

Best Answer

You can catch:-

Kanto Based Legendaries

Articuno Seafoam Islands

Zapdos Power Plant

Moltres Mount Silver

Mewtwo Cerulean Cave

Mew Special Event

Johto Based Legendaries

Raikou Roaming Johto

Entei Roaming Johto

Suicune Roaming Johto and Kanto

Ho-Oh Tin Tower

Lugia Whirl Islands

Celebi Ilex Forest (Event)

Heonn Based Legendaries

Kyogre Embedded Tower (Blue Orb, HeartGold)

Groudon Embedded Tower (Red Orb, SoulSilver)

Rayquaza Embedded Tower (Jade Orb)

Deoxys Birth Island

Latios Roaming Johto and Kanto (SoulSilver) Event

Latias Roaming Johto and Kanto (HeartGold) Event

Sinnoh Based Legendaries

Dialga Sinjoh Ruins (Arceus Event)

Palkia Sinjoh Ruins (Arceus Event)

Giratina Sinjoh Ruins (Arceus Event

Arceus Sinjoh Ruins (Arceus Event)

*This answer has been approved and written by Wikia Lord.

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Q: What are all the legendaries you can get on Pokemon SoulSilver?
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Is it a good Pokemon SoulSilver team?

legendaries are good

Can you go to the hoeonn in Pokemon SoulSilver?

No, you cannot go to Hoenn in Pokemon SoulSilver, but you can still get the Hoenn legendaries. Pokemon SoulSilver is a copy of Pokemon Silver, and you can only go to Johto and Kanto.

Who are the legendary Pokemon you can catch on Pokemon SoulSilver?

The legendaries on Soulsilver are as follows: Entei, Raikou, Suicune, Lugia, Ho-oh, Groudon, Latios, Rayquaza, Mewtwo, Moltres, Articuno, Zapdos. These are the legendaries found on Pokémon Soulsilver version. ~CareyPrice31FTW

What Pokemon can you eazily get for the elite four to beat them in Pokemon soulsilver?

Legendaries or Feraligatr, Ampharos, and Heracross.

How do you get all legendary Pokemon in SoulSilver?

I have put a link for your question. Most legendaries are obtained after beating all 16 gyms and defeating red.

What legondary Pokemon is in dark cave in Pokemon SoulSilver and how to get it?

There are no legendary in dark cave in soulsilver that i know of, but i know alot of legendaries and I could list some of them if you want.

If you could have one thing added in a Pokemon game what would it be?

More legendaries like Pokemon Heartgold and Soulsilver.

How do you get ledgenary Pokemon Vortex?

I don't think you really can. But in heartgold and soulsilver you will see vortexs in that game but no legendaries in them.

Where do you find all the legends in soulsilver?

go to and check out their legendaries guide

In diamond are all the legendary pokemon in it?

No, you can't find all the legendaries in Diamond. There isn't a Pokemon game with all the legendaries in it. You can capture 8 legendaries in Diamond, f you want all the legendaries, you'll need to visit events, trade or migrate them.

Are there cheats for Pokemon HeartGold on an xploder system?

yes,but you have to buy the updated version[it will say "Pokemon heartgold and soulsilver compatible"on the front of the box] there great cheats - i got all Pokemon legendaries! -x999 master balls! and - a lot of hard to get Pokemon!

What are some cool Pokemon to have in Pokemon SoulSilver?

The cool legendaries you can get in Soulsilver/heartgold are the following: Lugia, Ho-oh, Raikou, Entei, Suicune, Articuno, Moltres, Zapdos, Mewtwo, Latias, Latios (Latios in Soulsilver & Latias in Heartgold), Kyogre, Groudon, Rayquaza (Kyogre in Heartgold, Groudon in Soulsilver & Rayquaza if you have both).