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Q: What are all the glitches on woozworld?
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There are no glitches that I know of...

What are all the nations on Woozworld?

The four nationz of WoozWorld are:CortozaLibstreetMystic AlleyColony V

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I have no clue???

What are the collectiblz in Mya wooz offices in woozworld?

There are multiple types of collectiblz all around WoozWorld.

How many glitches are in call of duty black ops?

Treyarch claims to have fixed all known glitches

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What do you get when you find all the bags in woozworld?

you get a mannequin

Where is mya's third shopping bag in woozworld?

fairy chamber woozworld plaza mountians and thats all ik

How do you put in a cheat code for woozworld?

No cheats are available for woozworld; the game team got rid of all of them on 2010.

Does the iPhone have glitches?

Yes, as with all software, the iPhone does have glitches. When there is a glitch, Apple releases software updates to resolve the problem.

What pokemon game has a glitch in it?

All of the pokemon games have glitches in. Although you will notice that the older the games get the higher the amount of glitches there will be.

Are glitches considered as cheating?

No glitches are not considered as cheating. It is generally a natural process and out of control. So it is not at all considered as cheating.