

Best Answer

Who's my favourite group? - Linkin Park

What's my favourite video game? - Woozworld

What's my favourite ice cream? - Banana

What's my favurite book? - The Chronicles of Narnia

What's my favourite holiday? - Christmas

What's my favourite sport? - Kinect

What's my favourite city? - Sydney

What's my favurite colour? - Blue

Least favourite vegetable? - Carrot

What's my favoutire funk food? - Hot dogs

What's my favourite animal? - Bear

Celebrity I would date... - Selena Gomez

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Q: What are all the answers to do you know me MaxWooz woozworld?
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Related questions

Who are all the animators on woozworld?

all i know there is stylazwooz zachwooz zeenawooz jennywooz maxwooz jaywooz myawooz lilywooz and thats all i have heard of

How can you become an animator?

Woozens can't become an animator. MyaWooz and MaxWooz and all the other woozbands are animators because they are real people and their job is to be animators on Woozworld.

What are all the answers for the woozworld elephant quiz?


How do you be an animator on woozworld?

i will tell you by step to step 1-first be a vip in woozworld 2-then go to the animators quest 3-then when you finish 2 animators quest you will be a woozworld moderator when you finish all the quest like mywooz quest,jaywooz quest,jennywooz quest and the maxwooz you will be animator and also be a certain age Thankyou :D

What are the animators of woozworld?

animators are a team of event planners, MAXWOOZ, JENNYWOOZ, JAYWOOZ,MYAWOOZ,PLUSH ,STYLAZ. Are all animators. They just plan events and competions. They can be located with the green bubble type text :)

What are all the answers to do you know me on woozworld?

ANSWERS OF : DO YOU KNOW ME? (MYAWOOZ) 1.Black Eyed Peas 2.Pasta 5.strawberry 6.easter 8.robert pattinson 10.woozworld 11.twilight 12.beet

Are the woozworld animators animated?

animators are a team of event planners, MAXWOOZ, JENNYWOOZ, JAYWOOZ,MYAWOOZ,PLUSH ,STYLAZ. Are all animators. They just plan events and competions. They can be located with the green bubble type text :)

What is the answers of all files in woozworld genus road trip?

The boy's first name?

Who is max wooz in real in woozworld?

No one really knows, but Myawooz apparently has another account called something... I ain't telling u wat All the Woozband, including MaxWooz, have facebook pages, but I don't kno whether they have facebook accounts

What are the codes for septimus darke quest on woozworld?

The answers to this quest are quite easy the answers are around u so check out all the space and really read the question :)

What are the answers to the bliss bakery quiz on woozworld?

sixsleepwalkingDevin stetsonBorzini's nutteryTyFlorenceHumbletonFluHogswaddleChipthats all guys xx enjoy and add me im hope197 :)

Who Is the Most Popular Woozen in Woozworld?

Mya, Jenny, Jay, and MaxWooz are all animators. They don't count as, "Popular woozens." Here's a list of some popular/famous ones: Glitz7 LatinoLover00 Just-A-Girl ripleyw Aeromeda Aeropostale It changes a lot, but famous people tend to stay famous unless they quit or something.