There are about 386 possible pokemon that can be obtained in Pokemon Ruby. The list is too large to be listed here. Instead, refer to the related links section for a website that has the entire list.
He is a generation 4 pokemon, and therefore not obtainable in emerald
Acro Bikes are only obtainable in Ruby, Sapphire, and Emerald.
It appears randomly like shiny Pokemon. It is like a status and is obtainable by catching a wild Pokemon that is infected with Pokerus. To spread it, simply put it into your party and all the Pokemon in your party will be infected in no time.
Torchic isn't obtainable unless you have a Pokemon ruby sapphire or emerald game and use pal park
You can look up the pokedex for the hoenn region
He is a generation 4 pokemon, and therefore not obtainable in emerald
I don't think it's obtainable in Ruby.
Currently, Jirachi is not obtainable through traditional methods in Pokemon Ruby Version.
Bulbasaur is only obtainable through trading from Firered or Leafgreen
Acro Bikes are only obtainable in Ruby, Sapphire, and Emerald.
It appears randomly like shiny Pokemon. It is like a status and is obtainable by catching a wild Pokemon that is infected with Pokerus. To spread it, simply put it into your party and all the Pokemon in your party will be infected in no time.
All The Shiney Pokemon You Can Get In Pokemon Ruby Are All The Pokemon You Can Get in Ruby Any Pokemon Can Be Shiney Even Starters and Legendaries. So There Are 200 Shiney Pokemon You Can Get In Pokemon Ruby.
Rayquaza is only obtainable through transfering from Ruby, Sappire or Emerald via Diamond, Pearl or Platinum.
Torchic isn't obtainable unless you have a Pokemon ruby sapphire or emerald game and use pal park
Every Pokemon is obtainable in some way, whether it is through a Nintendo event, trade from other games, or just plain classic catching in the wild.
You can look up the pokedex for the hoenn region