

Best Answer

Single Characters

Captain Ginyu, Goku, SS1 Goku, Vegeta, SS1 Vegeta, Trunks, SS1 Trunks,

Dr. Gero, Android #18, Cooler, Frieza, Teen Gohan, SS2 Teen Gohan, Teen Gohan,

LSS Broly, Gotenks, Krillin, SS3 Gotenks, Piccolo, Mecha Frieza, Metal Cooler, Cell, Cell Perfect Form, Majin Buu, Super Buu, Majin Vegeta.

Support Characters

Hercule, Bardock, Babidi, Shenron, Android #17, Android #16, Zarbon, Dodoria, Tien, Yamcha.

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Q: What are all of the characters for dragon ball z super sonic warriors?
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Just sonic.

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You have to buy it from the shop

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There is no shadow the only characters from sonic the hedgehog is sonic

Can you turn into super sonic on sonic rivals?

well no the only characters on that are sonic shadow silver and metal sonic. super sonic is not only a card. You can be super sonic, super shadow, and super silver by doing everything 100% for each charcter which includes all cards and all costumes. The Supers are more of a skin though.

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Mario, Luigi ,Super Sonic, Link, Young Link, and Sonic the Hedgehog to name but a few

What's sonic smash bros?

is a nice flash game who look like super smash bros but is only with sonic characters e.g. super sonic super shadow silver blaze tikal

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You can be Sonic the hedgehog,Sonic the werehog and Super Sonic in story mode.There is no mini games or unlockable characters.