no one really knows what all of the achievements for woozworld but the wooz band but why would they give away all that info out like that? Plus they are adding new ones for different countries. so the number is growing as we speak.
you have to do all the quizes first
All you gotta do is enter their site.
In the public rooms :)
these are were all the caps are is woozworld.-Rookie Quests-Stylz Shop-Foodz Showroom-Woozmart-Woozworld stadium-Libstreet Fashion room-Gluttonz Zoo--Movie Theatre-Mya Wooz's new boutique
There is no games related to Woozworld. Woozworld is very unique. Movie Star Planet is sort of like Woozworld, but NOT as good.
Woozworld, doesn't have missions although it does have, Quests & Achievements completing these will earn you beex and wooz. (Money)
The four nationz of WoozWorld are:CortozaLibstreetMystic AlleyColony V
There are multiple types of collectiblz all around WoozWorld.
you get a mannequin
fairy chamber woozworld plaza mountians and thats all ik
No cheats are available for woozworld; the game team got rid of all of them on 2010.
You'll need to work pretty hard to get that much, but it's possible by selling stuff and also working to complete achievements that give you beex.
Easy its Vampire Death & Woozworld well woozworld is not a video game i think BUT I LUV WOOZWORLD!
You can't; the systems are all encrypted and all weaknesses are slammed down with firewalls and all protectors so it is impossible to hack. I wonder why you will want to freeze woozworld anyway.
you have to do all the quizes first
I do want to get all the achievements but i have xboxlive but can you tell me how to get all achievements in halo 3 in xboxlive.