Some nine letter words with repeating letters are effective, attention, officials, essential, announced, immediate, efficient, addresses, and appointed. There are numerous others.
The only nine letter word that can be spelled with the letters in 'marmalade' is MARMALADE.
afterward and backboard
There is no nine letter word in English using those letters; you can make the eight letter words hotsauce and cathouse.
The letters spell the word airplanes. The word uses all nine letters.
Nine letter words with those letters are:importersmisreportreimports
There are several nine letter words from the letters 'dnateseisors'.They include:AssertionAsteroidsDisastersReadinessResonatesSedationsTiredness
There is no nine letter word that can be made with the letters 'reeiabpvw'.Words that can be made with those letters are:aairapeareaveaverawawebarbarebebearbeaverbeebeepbeerbewarebierbrabravebrewbrieeareaveeraereeveevereweewerIirepapairparparepareve (parve)pavepaverpawpeapearpeepeerperpewpipiepierpreviewrapraperaverawreapreaverepaverevreviewribripripeveerverbviavieviewviewerviperwaivewaiverwarwarewavewewearweaveweaverwebweeweepwerewipewiperwirewrap
Jamoriten Jamie-o-ree-tan
There are no nine letter words using those letters, there are two eight letters words: Caryotin and Tornadic. Perhaps you meant Dictionary (but that has 10 letters)
There are no English words that contain all those letters, but here are some eight-letter words: alehouse, hamulose
There is no nine letter word spelled with the letters 'anrdosepe'.Eight letter words that can be spelled with those letters are:operandspersonaereasoned
The only nine letter word that can be spelled with the letters in 'marmalade' is MARMALADE.
afterward and backboard
There is no nine letter word spelled with the letters 'maquzafgi'.Words that can be made with those letters are:aaimamaquafiggumIifmamafiamugquiz
There are no other nine letter words that can be made with the letters in 'valentine'; some shorter words that can be made with those letters are:aailalealienaliveanantanteanvilatateaveeateateneaveeelelanelateeliteenlivenentaileveeveneventevilIininaneinletinninnateinventitlalainlanelatelealeanleaveleavenlenientletlielienlinelinenlintlitlivelivennailnaivenaivetenativenavelneatneatenneenetnilninenittailtaletanteatealteeteententietiltiletintinevalevaletvanvanevatveilveinvenalvenialventviavialvievilevineviralvital
The longest words using the letters 'Thanksgiving' are the nine letter words:knightingvanishing
There is no nine letter word in English using those letters; you can make the eight letter words hotsauce and cathouse.