There are no English words that meet the criteria. Here are the words that end with J:
3-letter words
haj, raj, taj
4-letter words
6-letter words
svaraj, swaraj
There are no words that contain a Z that also end in J
Words that start with Z and end with U are:- Zaibatsu, ZANU, ZAPU, Zebu, Zulu,
Zillionaire, zombie and zone are words. They begin with Z and end with E.
Words that start with Z and end with a re zebra, zinnia, zoysia (grass), and of course Zambia.
There are no words in the scrabble dictionary that start with Z and end with J.
There are no words that contain a Z that also end in J
Words that start with Z and end with U are:- Zaibatsu, ZANU, ZAPU, Zebu, Zulu,
Zillionaire, zombie and zone are words. They begin with Z and end with E.
Words that start with Z and end with a re zebra, zinnia, zoysia (grass), and of course Zambia.
jazz, jeez
Zapping, zipping, zoning and zonking are words that begin with the letter z. They end with the letters ING.