They are a way to travel around faster. Different mounts go at different speeds. My first mount increased my speed by 20%. Now i bought a bengal tiger mount that boosts me a 40%.
You can access mounts by luckily getting a mount monster drop or you buy one a Zeke's Mount Shop. !
You can buy them where you see a crown in the left hand corner.
No, Wizard101 has no viruses if you install it from
There is no such thing, as Wizard101 is a game for children 10 +
If you're looking for ringtones, go to the wizard101 downloads page.
login to the homepage at and click on my accounts and then click on update memberships OR go on to login and type in the code(if you have a gift card)
somewhere in wizard101.
If you mean Wizard101 then they are already here
No. You can not change the appearance of your mount.
There are dragon pets and dragon mounts in Wizard101. Some of the pets might come with a special card that has a spell. The mounts are for you to ride, and you can get around the world much faster.
No, but you can get temporary mounts from beating up bosses.
You can buy them where you see a crown in the left hand corner.
gold is like money on wizard101. you buy things with it. but, some u will have to buy with crowns. (crowns gives u mounts and better items)
Any # of mounts you want, you could have as many as 0-100 0r better yet 0-1000, though i doubt you;ll get to 1000 mounts ;P
Go to Equipment Mounts Click on the mount you want to ride and Click equip
a lot. PvP, crowns, you can go in all areas and worlds, mounts, having a sub is most of the site
Go to the site called kifreegames. This is wizard101's sister site! You can play games including dueling Diego. You can even download an app for iphones! Then go on Wizard101. There should be a gift box on the left of the screen. Click it to find your prizes. I have even won mounts for the game!
No, you cannot craft mounts on Wizard101. But you can craft clothes, furniture, and now a new Grizzleheim house! Hopefully soon you will be able to craft mounts. But I would think that you will only be able to craft the brooms, because how can you craft a dragon or a tiger or a horse?? Another person: There are two Craft-able mounts in Wizard101. Both can be bought by, "Billy Piper," in every B.O.X.E.S dungeon that is available at a select number of times, every year. There are also two more houses that can be crafted, aside from the one mentioned by the person above me. The Wyrd house in Avalon, and the Treetop Getaway in Azteca. Maybe, in the future, we'll be able to craft pets, ah? No, we cannot craft pets, yet.