Ledc factories are factories in poor contury they just want to comitt suicide there life is that bad
its an LEDC
Bangladesh is LEDC because it is less economically developed country to other countries
Greenland is an ledc i fink coz theres not a lot of tecnology there!!!!!!! So my dad says!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Ledc (less economically developed country). Its just a factory in a poor country.
they perfer it because it is cheaper to do it there and because of the infant mortality rate that means woman will have more children then the children can go work in the factories
We are doing a case study of it in georgraphy and there are but it is not just ledc's but richer countries who dont get compensation for work accidents and as soon as the lease is up coca cola leaves without considering it workers hope this helped x
Mumbai is a ledc.
I think it is a LEDC
Peru is an LEDC