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house plant repotting

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Q: What are Household chores starts with h?
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What are household chores that starts with a d?

dusting, dishwashing

What are some household chores that begin with the letter J?

what is a household chore that starts with a j

Should participate men in household course?

Chores? No! Course? As in household intercourse? Maybe.

What is the meaning of the word 'housekeeping'?

Managing household chores.

What is a specialist in gardening and landscape that starts with an h?

A horticulturalist is a specialist in gardening. A handyman is a person that may do various gardening and landscape chores.

What's a good software that will help me keep track of my household chores and expenses?

Microsoft Outlook can keep your calendar up to date with all of your household chores very well.

What were some of the chores of the slaves of Mesopotamia?

Some chores that the slaves did were household, mining and agriculture

What do ancient mesopotamian slaves do?

They did household chores for the upper class.

Does doing household chores burn calories?

yes in fact it does

What chores did they do in the colonial times?

Well in those days there were no farm machines or household electrical appliances so all farming , and household tasks needed to be done by hand - these were called chores.

What does Los quehaceres de la casa mean?

"Los quehaceres de la casa" means household chores in English.

Nancy has a great zeal household work?

Nancy works through her household chores with determination and zeal.