There are no German foods beginning with the letter X (Xereswein (sherry) is not really a food)
For a list of German words beginning with X, please see the related question.
Foods beginning with 'Na':NachosNaan Bread
Urgelia cheese, udon noodles and unleavened bread are foods.
applesapricotsalmondsasparagusavocadoartichokesacorn squash
sausage is one of the German foods in Ohio
Am Anfang is a German equivalent of the title to the movie 'In the beginning' by Kevin Connor.
Canned foods suffered a decline at the beginning of the 1990s as consumers turned to fresh and frozen products in a search of healthier foods.
Foods beginning with 'Na':NachosNaan Bread
it dosent
No German adjectives start with X
Mexican, Chinese, portugal, Italian, and German foods
German potato salad German chocolate cake
Urgelia cheese, udon noodles and unleavened bread are foods.
· zucchini