

Best Answer

Some four letter words that have two vowels are:

  1. abet
  2. able
  3. ache
  4. acme
  5. acne
  6. ahem
  7. amen
  8. ante
  9. aver
  10. axle
  11. babe
  12. bake
  13. bare
  14. bare
  15. base
  16. bead
  17. beak
  18. beam
  19. bear
  20. beat
  21. beef
  22. been
  23. beer
  24. beet
  25. bide
  26. bike
  27. bite
  28. blue
  29. boar
  30. boat
  31. boil
  32. bone
  33. book
  34. boot
  35. bore
  36. bout
  37. bozo
  38. brie
  39. cafe
  40. cage
  41. cake
  42. came
  43. cane
  44. cape
  45. care
  46. case
  47. cave
  48. clue
  49. code
  50. coed
  51. coil
  52. coin
  53. cola
  54. coma
  55. come
  56. cone
  57. cope
  58. core
  59. cove
  60. cube
  61. cure
  62. cute
  63. dale
  64. dame
  65. dare
  66. data
  67. date
  68. daub
  69. daze
  70. dead
  71. deaf
  72. deal
  73. dear
  74. deed
  75. deem
  76. deep
  77. deer
  78. deli
  79. demo
  80. dial
  81. dice
  82. dime
  83. dine
  84. dire
  85. diva
  86. dive
  87. dole
  88. dome
  89. done
  90. dope
  91. dove
  92. doze
  93. dude
  94. duke
  95. dune
  96. dupe
  97. each
  98. earl
  99. earn
  100. east
  101. echo
  102. ecru
  103. eden
  104. edge
  105. edit
  106. else
  107. emir
  108. emit
  109. epic
  110. ergo
  111. even
  112. ever
  113. evil
  114. ewer
  115. exam
  116. exit
  117. face
  118. fade
  119. fail
  120. fair
  121. fake
  122. fame
  123. fare
  124. fate
  125. faun
  126. faux
  127. faze
  128. fear
  129. feat
  130. feed
  131. feel
  132. feet
  133. feta
  134. fete
  135. feud
  136. fief
  137. fife
  138. file
  139. fine
  140. fire
  141. five
  142. flea
  143. flee
  144. flue
  145. foal
  146. foam
  147. foil
  148. foot
  149. fore
  150. free
  151. fume
  152. fuse
  153. gaga
  154. gain
  155. gait
  156. gala
  157. gale
  158. game
  159. gape
  160. gate
  161. gave
  162. gaze
  163. gear
  164. gear
  165. gene
  166. give
  167. glee
  168. glue
  169. goad
  170. goal
  171. goal
  172. goat
  173. goes
  174. gone
  175. good
  176. goof
  177. goop
  178. gore
  179. gout
  180. guru
  181. hail
  182. hair
  183. hale
  184. halo
  185. hare
  186. hate
  187. haul
  188. have
  189. haze
  190. head
  191. heal
  192. heap
  193. hear
  194. heat
  195. heed
  196. heel
  197. heir
  198. here
  199. hero
  200. hide
  201. hike
  202. hire
  203. hive
  204. hoax
  205. hobo
  206. hole
  207. home
  208. hone
  209. hood
  210. hoof
  211. hook
  212. hoop
  213. hoot
  214. hope
  215. hose
  216. hour
  217. huge
  218. hula
  219. ibex
  220. ibis
  221. icon
  222. idle
  223. idol
  224. into
  225. iris
  226. iron
  227. isle
  228. item
  229. jade
  230. jail
  231. java
  232. jeer
  233. jive
  234. join
  235. joke
  236. judo
  237. jute
  238. kale
  239. keel
  240. keen
  241. keep
  242. keno
  243. kilo
  244. kite
  245. kiwi
  246. knee
  247. kook
  248. kudo
  249. lace
  250. laid
  251. lain
  252. lair
  253. lake
  254. lame
  255. lane
  256. late
  257. laud
  258. lava
  259. laze
  260. lead
  261. leaf
  262. leak
  263. lean
  264. leap
  265. leek
  266. liar
  267. lice
  268. lied
  269. lien
  270. life
  271. like
  272. lime
  273. limo
  274. line
  275. lion
  276. live
  277. load
  278. loaf
  279. loam
  280. loan
  281. lobe
  282. loco
  283. lode
  284. logo
  285. loin
  286. lone
  287. look
  288. loom
  289. loon
  290. loop
  291. loot
  292. lope
  293. lore
  294. lose
  295. loud
  296. lout
  297. love
  298. lube
  299. luge
  300. lure
  301. lute
  302. luxe
  303. mace
  304. made
  305. magi
  306. maid
  307. mail
  308. maim
  309. main
  310. make
  311. male
  312. mama
  313. mane
  314. mare
  315. mate
  316. maul
  317. maze
  318. mead
  319. meal
  320. mean
  321. meat
  322. meek
  323. meet
  324. memo
  325. menu
  326. meow
  327. mere
  328. mesa
  329. mete
  330. mica
  331. mice
  332. mike
  333. mile
  334. mime
  335. mine
  336. mire
  337. mite
  338. moan
  339. moat
  340. mode
  341. moil
  342. mojo
  343. mole
  344. mood
  345. moon
  346. moor
  347. moot
  348. mope
  349. more
  350. mote
  351. move
  352. mule
  353. mumu
  354. muse
  355. mute
  356. nail
  357. name
  358. nape
  359. near
  360. neat
  361. need
  362. neon
  363. nice
  364. nine
  365. node
  366. noel
  367. none
  368. nook
  369. noon
  370. nope
  371. nose
  372. note
  373. noun
  374. nova
  375. nude
  376. oath
  377. odor
  378. ogle
  379. ogre
  380. oink
  381. Okra
  382. omen
  383. omit
  384. once
  385. onto
  386. oops
  387. opal
  388. open
  389. oral
  390. orca
  391. orzo
  392. oval
  393. over
  394. oxen
  395. pace
  396. page
  397. paid
  398. pail
  399. pain
  400. pair
  401. pale
  402. pane
  403. papa
  404. pare
  405. pate
  406. pave
  407. peak
  408. peal
  409. pear
  410. peat
  411. peek
  412. peel
  413. peep
  414. peer
  415. peon
  416. peso
  417. pica
  418. pier
  419. pike
  420. pile
  421. pine
  422. pipe
  423. pita
  424. plea
  425. poem
  426. poet
  427. poke
  428. pole
  429. pone
  430. pope
  431. pore
  432. pose
  433. puce
  434. puke
  435. puma
  436. pure
  437. quad
  438. quay
  439. quid
  440. quip
  441. quit
  442. quiz
  443. race
  444. rage
  445. raid
  446. rail
  447. rain
  448. rake
  449. rape
  450. rare
  451. rate
  452. rave
  453. raze
  454. read
  455. real
  456. ream
  457. reap
  458. rear
  459. redo
  460. reed
  461. reef
  462. reek
  463. reel
  464. rein
  465. rice
  466. ride
  467. rife
  468. rile
  469. rime
  470. riot
  471. ripe
  472. rise
  473. rite
  474. road
  475. roam
  476. roan
  477. roar
  478. robe
  479. rode
  480. role
  481. roof
  482. rook
  483. room
  484. root
  485. rope
  486. rose
  487. rote
  488. rout
  489. rove
  490. rube
  491. rude
  492. ruin
  493. rule
  494. ruse
  495. safe
  496. saga
  497. sage
  498. said
  499. sail
  500. sake
  501. sale
  502. same
  503. sane
  504. sari
  505. save
  506. seal
  507. seam
  508. sear
  509. seat
  510. seed
  511. seek
  512. seem
  513. seen
  514. seep
  515. seer
  516. shoe
  517. side
  518. silo
  519. sine
  520. sire
  521. site
  522. size
  523. soak
  524. soap
  525. soar
  526. soda
  527. sofa
  528. soil
  529. sole
  530. solo
  531. some
  532. soon
  533. soot
  534. sore
  535. soul
  536. soup
  537. sour
  538. spue
  539. suet
  540. suit
  541. sure
  542. tabu
  543. taco
  544. tail
  545. take
  546. tale
  547. tame
  548. tape
  549. tare
  550. taro
  551. taxi
  552. teak
  553. teal
  554. team
  555. tear
  556. teat
  557. teem
  558. teen
  559. thee
  560. thou
  561. tide
  562. tier
  563. tile
  564. time
  565. tine
  566. tire
  567. toad
  568. tofu
  569. toga
  570. toil
  571. tome
  572. tone
  573. took
  574. tool
  575. toot
  576. tore
  577. tote
  578. tour
  579. tree
  580. trio
  581. true
  582. tuba
  583. tube
  584. tuna
  585. tune
  586. tutu
  587. ulna
  588. undo
  589. unit
  590. unto
  591. upon
  592. urge
  593. user
  594. vain
  595. vale
  596. vane
  597. vase
  598. veal
  599. veer
  600. veil
  601. vein
  602. veto
  603. vial
  604. vice
  605. view
  606. vile
  607. vine
  608. visa
  609. vise
  610. void
  611. vole
  612. vote
  613. wade
  614. wadi
  615. wage
  616. waif
  617. wail
  618. wait
  619. wake
  620. wane
  621. ware
  622. wave
  623. weak
  624. weal
  625. wean
  626. wear
  627. weed
  628. week
  629. weep
  630. were
  631. whee
  632. whoa
  633. wide
  634. wife
  635. wile
  636. wine
  637. wipe
  638. wire
  639. wise
  640. woke
  641. wood
  642. woof
  643. wool
  644. wore
  645. wove
  646. yeah
  647. year
  648. yeti
  649. yoga
  650. yoke
  651. yore
  652. your
  653. yule
  654. zeal
  655. zero
  656. zeta
  657. ziti
  658. zone
  659. zoom
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Q: What are Four letter words with two vowels?
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