Dizzywood Missions are activities that you can do to get coins and sometimes special items. They are in the missions area near your backpack. Every weekend Dizzywood announces three or four new missions so you want to check back a lot to see what the new ones are.
try fantage it is a bit like dizzywood
Dizzywood is coming back on april 23rd 2012
they can and not btw im poniy in dizzywood lol XD
dizzywood,imvu,Kablillion,Gaia, dizzywood,imvu,Kablillion,Gaia,
There are a lot of games like Dizzywood and Club Penguin. Some of them areHabbo HotelRunescapeMaple StoryFantagePandandaourWorldWhyvilleThere are also a lot of mini-games that you can play within Dizzywood and Club Penguin. The ones on Club Penguin are:sled racingpizzatron 3000ice fishingbean countershydro hoppercart surferpuffle round upAnd the ones on Dizzywood areFlightCombo DropBounceBlocks
You earn badges from completing missions in Dizzywood.
You go to the side and click on 'missions'.
u can win clothes in dizzywood by doing missions and by "watering" the vine in Garden Gazebo
You need to do the mission called Explore and Chart all of Dizzywood. It is one of the missions in your missions tab. That is next to your backpack. Click on the mission and accept it and you get a map. Then you need to collect a lot of red flags all around Dizzywood. Each time you find a flag a new place is available on your map.
HI!!!! omg wake up plzzzz you hae to complete other missions to unlcok those missions!
You play the mini-games or do the missions to earn coins on Dizzywood. The best way to earn coins on Dizzywood is to play the mini-games in the Garden Gazebo. Click on the rose bushes to play a mini-game called Combo Drop. It gets you coins the fastest. Also do the missions and the archaeology dig in Explorer's Camp. That last one gets 500 coins and you can do it once per day.
There are a few ways to get a pet in Dizzywood. The fastest way is to do the Crystal missions with Kan the Geomancer in the Explorers Camp. You collect all five of the blue crystals and then he can reanimate the crystal critter you get into a pet. Go speak with him to get started.
Go to spikecpcheats.wordpress.com it's a good website, it also does the Dizzywood missions, check it out!
You can't get on Dizzywood when it is not available!
Dizzywood was created in 2007.
dizzywood has changed to a site named secretbuilders.com however they still have the dizzywood domain name up.
You had to do one of your missions. Maybe you skipped one and didint do it. If you do it you can go to a lab and if you beat at the game you can get one. Its a very old mission so i forgot the name of it.