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now i do not understand what the previous guy just said so i have a very more easy way to say it, first when you create your name type in: linkstar101 it will work you then unlock all the levels and games

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Q: What are ALL of the stamps you can unlock in Wii Fit?
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Does the wii fit plus have all the activities as the regular Wii fit?

Wii fit plus has all the activities plus 24 new ones and the option to customize a routine.

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you have to have gold in all the cups to unlock it :)

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The thick izzy style for Lou is only unlock for ps3 and xbox 360 plus you can get thick izzy by downloading it from xbox live or wii fit

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to unlock dry bowser, you need to get a one star rank or better in all 150cc Wii cups (all the cups on the top)

Do you need to keep Wii fit once you buy Wii fit plus?

No. All you need is the balance board and the Wii Fit Plus software. You don't need the original Wii Fit game to play the new one.

Wii fit and Wii fit plus?

Wii Fit Plus has more activities than Wii Fit & is better than Wii Fit.

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keep playing

What do the Wii Sports Resort stamps get you - can you shop for games on the Wii channel with them?

The stamps that you earn are achevements only so you can't buy anything with the stamps you earn.

Does Costco sell a Wii fit?

They sell the wii fit and wii fit plus disk but nota wii fit

What is Wii fit?

WiiFit is a fitness game. It comes with a small "platform" that can weigh you and you can balance on. In the game, you do daily training activities and can unlock games, all while trying to reach a weight goal that you set. Check out the related links below for more info on Wii Fit and places to purchase it.