Some eight letter words starting with F and ending in E are:
Feminist and finalist are 8 letter words. They end with the letters IST.
accustom, aciculum, aconitum, acrotism, actinism, actinium, activism
9 letter Words starting with s and ending in ur 1). Stegosaur 2). Splendour 8 letter Words starting with s and ending in ur 1). Saboteur 2). Siffleur 3). Sequitur 4). Seigneur 5). Secateur 6). Sandspur 7 letter Words starting with s and ending in ur 1). Sulphur 2). Succour 3). Sambhur 4). Sandbur 5). Santour 6). Saviour 6 letter Words starting with s and ending in ur 1). Santur 2). Sulfur 3). Savour 4). Sambur 5). Siddur 6). Sapour 5 letter Words starting with s and ending in ur 1). Scaur 2). Sieur 3). Stour 4). Scour 4 letter Words starting with s and ending in ur 1). Slur 2). Sour 3). Spur
8 letter words ending with K: * backpack * homework * playback * sidewalk
CalcuttaCambodiacamelliaCanberraCarolinaCasanovacharismachickpeaChippewacinchonaColombiaColumbiacontinuacredenzaor criteria.
Feminist and finalist are 8 letter words. They end with the letters IST.
bahumbuh im not sure that's a good one
accustom, aciculum, aconitum, acrotism, actinism, actinium, activism
9 letter Words starting with s and ending in ur 1). Stegosaur 2). Splendour 8 letter Words starting with s and ending in ur 1). Saboteur 2). Siffleur 3). Sequitur 4). Seigneur 5). Secateur 6). Sandspur 7 letter Words starting with s and ending in ur 1). Sulphur 2). Succour 3). Sambhur 4). Sandbur 5). Santour 6). Saviour 6 letter Words starting with s and ending in ur 1). Santur 2). Sulfur 3). Savour 4). Sambur 5). Siddur 6). Sapour 5 letter Words starting with s and ending in ur 1). Scaur 2). Sieur 3). Stour 4). Scour 4 letter Words starting with s and ending in ur 1). Slur 2). Sour 3). Spur
4-letter words ibex, ilex 5-letter words immix, index, infix 6-letter words icebox, influx 8-letter words intermix, interrex, intersex 10-letter words inheritrix