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aerie, again, atria, antic, aphid, astir, atria, avail, April, brain, basis, braid, begin, basin, bogie, eerie, email, devil, debit, drain, digit, dogie, fetid, flair, flail, frail, folio, livid, logic, lurid, legit, lucid, mania, media, magic, moxie, music, manic, optic, ovoid, oldie, oasis, orbit, peril, plait, posit, plaid, plain, pupil, Paris, radio, radii, ratio, rapid, rabid, robin, redid, retie, relic, remit, satin, stair, sepia, snail, stain, strip, serif, sonic, staid, stoic, trait, tacit, tepid, tonic, trail, tibia, timid, vedic

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Q: What are 5 letter words with I as the 4th letter?
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