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abmho, achoo, adobo, aggro, Alamo, altho, amido, amigo, amino, amnio, ancho, andro, anglo, audio, aviso, azido, baboo, banco, banjo, basso, bazoo, beano, bento, bilbo, bimbo, bingo, boffo, bongo, bravo, bromo, bucko, buffo, bunco, bunko, burro, buteo, cacao, cameo, campo, canso, canto, cargo, cello, cento, chiao, chico, chino, chiro, cholo, Cisco, claro, combo, compo, condo, congo, conto, credo, curio, cusso, cyano, cyclo, danio, datto, dekko, diazo, dildo, dingo, dipso, disco, ditto, dobro, doggo, dumbo, duomo, erugo, fillo, folio, fordo, forgo, fugio, fungo, gecko, genro, gesso, gismo, gizmo, gombo, gonzo, grego, guaco, guano, guiro, gumbo, gusto, hallo, helio, hello, hillo, hippo, hollo, hullo, hydro, igloo, imago, imido, imino, intro, jello, jingo, jocko, jumbo, junco, junto, karoo, kazoo, kendo, kiddo, kusso, laevo, largo, lasso, lento, limbo, lingo, litho, llano, lotto, macho, macro, mambo, mango, matzo, metro, mezzo, micro, mimeo, misdo, molto, mondo, mongo, morro, mosso, motto, mucho, mucro, mungo, nacho, narco, nitro, ortho, outdo, outgo, ovolo, panto, pargo, paseo, patio, pedro, pengo, pesto, petto, phono, photo, piano, pingo, pinko, pinto, pisco, polio, porno, potto, primo, promo, proso, punto, putto, radio, ratio, recto, repro, retro, rhino, rodeo, romeo, rondo, salvo, sambo, sargo, schmo, scudo, secco, segno, servo, sexto, shako, sicko, sixmo, socko, soldo, sorgo, spado, steno, sulfo, taboo, tango, tanto, tardo, telco, tempo, thoro, tondo, torso, trigo, turbo, uredo, verso, video, vireo, vulgo, wacko, wahoo, whamo, whoso, wilco, Yahoo, yobbo

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Q: What are 5-letter words ending with O?
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