Canary, cockatoo, crane, cuckoo
5 letter words that start with the letters sp:spacespacyspadespanksparespasmspawnspeakspearspeckspeedspellspentspermspicespicyspiedspikespillspiltspinespinyspitesplitspoilspokespoofspoolspoonsportspotsspoutsprayspunkspursspurt
Chili is a food that begins with the letter c. It has five letters.
The woolly animal is a sheep.
Canary, cockatoo, crane, cuckoo
Snipe, Stilt, Stork
The word "audio" has 5 letters and 3 vowels.
Knocking all the birds
One thing that flies with 5 letters is a "plane," short for airplane. Another flying object with 5 letters is a "drone," an unmanned aerial vehicle. Additionally, a "kite" is a flying object with 5 letters that is often seen in the sky.
5 letter words that start with the letters sp:spacespacyspadespanksparespasmspawnspeakspearspeckspeedspellspentspermspicespicyspiedspikespillspiltspinespinyspitesplitspoilspokespoofspoolspoonsportspotsspoutsprayspunkspursspurt
Start with the 5 birds. Subtract the 2 that are red. The number left after subtracting 2 from 5 is the number of green birds.
The Huge star name with 3 and 5 letters is the Red Giant.
group a flock covey