Tough rough enough though plough dough although
There are no English words that end with IQ.
There are no English words that end with the letters EJ.
Some words that end with NO are:albinoaminocasinodominoinfernojalapenokenokimonomaraschinomerinoneutrinonooreganopalominopianorhinosopranostenovolcanowino
End in what?
Some words that have 'ough' in them are:althoughboroughboughboughtcoughdoughdroughtenoughfoughtfurloughhiccoughnoughtoughtploughroughsloughsoughtthoughtthroughtoughtroughwrought
For words that rhyme with "tough" and end in "ough," you could consider "rough" or "slough." These words share a similar sound pattern.
In the Scrabble dictionary there are 240 words containing 'ough', with 25 of those ending in 'ough'. Here are those 25: although borough bough breakthrough chough clough cough dough enough furlough hiccough interborough lough plough rough slough sough sourdough thorough though through tough trough unrough wherethrough
The word is "through."
In words like "dough" or "bough," "ough" is pronounced with an "o" sound as in "oh." This is because English words with "ough" can have different pronunciations based on their origins.
Some examples include "though," "although," and "therefore." These words have the same pronunciation as "oh" at the end.
Some words that sound similar or have "ough" in their spelling include: Thought Through Rough Cough
Will one word be ENOUGH ?If not I suppose that's ROUGH!Or some might even say it's TOUGH!
Some words ending with "ough" include enough, tough, through, and cough.
Some examples of words containing "ough" that sound like "oo" include "bought," "brought," and "thought." These words have different pronunciations despite having the same letter combination in them.
bough. cough. dough. rough. tough. lough. sough.
sought, bought brought