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Red Apricorns are used to make Level Balls which gives you a better chance at catching a Pokémon if your Pokémon in-battle is of a much higher level than it is,

Yellow Apricorns are used to make Moon Balls which makes it easier to catch a Pokémon that evolves via a Moon Stone such as a Clefairy and a Jigglypuff, Blue Apricorns are used to make Lure Balls which makes it easier to catch Pokémon that you are Fishing for using the various Rods, Green Apricorns are used to make Friend Balls which starts your captured Pokémon's base happiness value at 200 instead of 70, Pink Apricorns are used to make Love Balls which makes it easier to catch a Pokémon of the opposite gender of your battling Pokémon, White Apricorns are used to make Fast Balls which catches Pokémon that have a high Speed stat and Black Apricorns are used to make Heavy Balls. The Heavy Balls will work the best if the Pokémon weighs more than 660 pounds.

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14y ago

One black apricorn and One white apricorn can make any pokeball.

No I mean every ball exapt heavy balls.

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How do you get Celebi in Pokemon HeartGold with the apricorns?

Okay, you make no sense. Apricorns make Pokeballs dumbo. You can't get Celebi in Heartgold.

How do you duplicate pokeballs in soul silver?

You can't but if you mean with apricorns then you go to the apricorn person and give him 2 of the same apricorn. I handed in 2 pink apricorns and got 2 love balls.

Where is the apricorn man in SoulSilver?

Kurt, in Azalea town, can make Apricorns into Pokeballs. He's in the top left (North-West) house. There's an Apricorn tree next to it, so it's hard to miss. You need to defeat Team Rocket in Slowpoke's Well before he'll make Pokeballs, though.

Which game has more number of balls?

heart gold and soul silver. them games have the pokeballs made from apricorns by Kurt none of the others have them.

Which color apricorns make master balls?

Apricorns Don't make mater balls.

How do you give Pokemon apri corns in Pokemon soul silver?

you don't give your Pokemon apricorns. you make them into aprijuice (Pokemon energy drinks) or you can give them to Kurt in azalea town and he'll turn them into pokeballs.

On Pokemon SoulSilver what apricorns make pokeballs?

all of them do black ones make heavy balls, not GS balls, anyway, I think its impossible to get a GS ball in soul silver unless you get someone to hold it in another game and trade

What do apricorns do in Pokemon SoulSilver?

they make pokeballs they also make energy drinks for pokemon, you can get the item that is put in the apricorn box right by the poke athlon entrance, move to the east and you will see a stand try to buy a drink, deny it first, then go talk to the girl next to it.

How do you find the purple apricot on soul silver?

There is no Purple Apricot. There are:Red Apricorns (Red)Blu Apricorns (Blue)Pnk Apricorns (Pink)Blk Apricorns (Black)Ylw Apricorns (Yellow)Grn Apricorns (Green)Wht Apricorns (White)

What does Kurt use to make poke balls?


How do you get a fast ball on Pokemon Gold?

You have to get a certain apricorn color and put it in your apricorn box which you get from the guy near Mr.Pokemon's house. You have to give it to Kurt who makes pokeballs from apricorns after you have gotten out of Illex forest.

What do you do with apricorns in Pokemon Silver?

give it to Kurt he will make a pokeball out of it