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the gs ball was given away as an event item some years ago in china, it is not available anywhere as the event is over. the only way of obtaining it is by using a GameShark

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Q: What apircot do you need to get the gs ball?
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What color apricorn do you need to get a gs ball?

There is no GS ball.

What apricot do you need to get a gs ball?

you cannot get the GS ball with a apricot, you need a gameshark

What apricorn you need to get a gs ball?

you can't make a gs ball

What apricorn do you need for a GS ball?

The GS ball doesn't exist outside the anime.

What apricorn do you need to get a gs ball?

None, you can't make a GS Ball through Apricorns

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What apricot do you need to get gs ball?


What apricorns do you need to get a GS ball in Pokemon SoulSilver?

There are NO apricawnz that make a GS ball. It was Event only.

Which aprikot do you need to get the gs ball?

The gs ball is not made from an apricot.You get it from a women in Viridian city in the Kanto.

What kind of appricon do you need for a gs ball?

You can only get the GS Ball via a Japanese event or to Gameshark it.

Which apricorn do you need to make a gs ball in Pokemon soul silver?

You can't use a apricorn to get a gs ball.

What apricorns do you need to make the GS ball in Pokemon heartgold?

You can't because the GS ball is in other games only!