

What animals end with a vowel?

Updated: 4/28/2022
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15y ago

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Here are a few: alpaca, anaconda, anemone, armadillo, boa, buffalo, capybara, caribou, chimpanzee, chinchilla, coyote, dingo, echidna, flamingo, gnu, gorilla, guanaco, hyena, iguana, impala, jaguarundi, jerboa, kangaroo, kinkajou, koala, kookaburra, llama, manatee, nutria, okapi, orca, panda, pudu, tarantula, vicuna, wapiti, zebra

Here are some ending with a silent "e": antelope, ape, crocodile, eagle, gazelle, giraffe, goose, hare, horse, mole, mongoose, moose, mouse, porcupine, porpoise, rattlesnake, tortoise, turtle, vole, vulture, whale

The Komodo dragon and prairie dog have one word of their names ending in a vowel.

Here are some shortened names ending with vowels: hippo, rhino

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