ape bee cat dog
heartache or headache
September is the month having the most letters in its name.
"OCTOPI" - More than one Octopus.
The vowels e, a, i, o, and u are very high, so are the letters t, s, l, r, & n . The letters d, g. h, are higher than the letters b, c, m, & p. The remaining letters are less often found in words although the letters f, w, & y are more likely found than k, v, & j and q, x, & z are least often used. The game of Scrabble has points printed on the letters based on how often they are used in words in the English language.
No, because it is a preposition and it is also fewer than five letters.
Differences:Hebrew has only 7 verb constructions and Arabic has 10Hebrew has fewer sounds than ArabicHebrew letters do not connect; Most Arabic letters do.
The animal Wallowed in the mud cheaper than a facial
One reason a language may have fewer letters in its alphabet than another is because it has fewer distinct sounds that need to be represented. Some languages may rely more on tones, diacritics, or combinations of letters to express their sounds, allowing for a smaller alphabet. Additionally, historical or cultural factors may have influenced the development of the alphabet in a particular language.
mice is the plural of mouse and lice is the plural of louse
More than 100
The wasp sting venom is alkaline, and so can be treated with a mild acid like vinegar to reduce the pain. By contrast the bee sting is acidic. An easy way to remember is that the word 'bee' has fewer letters than wasp, and the word 'acid' has fewer letters than alkali.
thirteen %,precisely because this is the word which has 8characters of letters.
mice is the plural of mouse and lice is the plural of louse
The deserts usually have fewer numbers of amphibians than most other biomes.
animalThey are also found in plant cells. But fewer than animal cells