People in ancient Rome spoke Latin. Some Latin words that start with 'I' are inconsistent, which meansÊ indiscreetly; interceptor, which means beginner; incassum, which means in vain; and indignatio, which means indignation. Two others are increpart, which means to rebuke or chide; and incredibilis, which means incredible or unbelievable.Ê
A 5 letter word that starts with an L is Lipid
A six letter word that starts with U is upward.
There is only one word that starts with the letter E an and with a V. This word is elov.
What is a word that starts with the letter y that has to do with earth history?
Mausoleum Minerva
Well, darling, the ancient Roman word that starts with the letter "u" is "urbs," which means city. So next time you're feeling fancy and want to drop some ancient Roman knowledge, just remember that little gem. You're welcome.
Isis, Imhotep
what is a civilisation with u
Beer, and Book of the Dead
Trick question - the ancient Greek alphabet had no letter y - that sort of word started with an i, the letter iota.