the only animal a vampire can turn into is a bat you click on a spot choose "fly here" they turn into a bat fly to the area you tell it to go then will turn back to a normal vampire
Yeah, most Sims can turn into vampires apart from kid, toddler and baby Sims.
Make sure you have at least 2 sims in a lot and when you see a vampire, make both sims friends with it and choose the one who won't be a vampire and click on the vampire with influence to... bite neck then the vampire will bite their neck and they'll become a vampire! Need COFFIN be in by 7am - 7pm or you'll burn in the sun!
no, you can only become a vampire if you have the sims 2 Nightlife for the PC
Yes, a vampire can marry.
No, but there is The Sims 2 Nightlife where you can turn your Sims into vampires.
no you can not
You can turn into a bat only when you are a Vampire.
Yeah, most Sims can turn into vampires apart from kid, toddler and baby Sims.
Make sure you have at least 2 sims in a lot and when you see a vampire, make both sims friends with it and choose the one who won't be a vampire and click on the vampire with influence to... bite neck then the vampire will bite their neck and they'll become a vampire! Need COFFIN be in by 7am - 7pm or you'll burn in the sun!
In the Sims 2 Deluxe, you can turn into a vampire! When I want my Sims to turn into vampires, I use a special cheat. You hit Control+Shift+C, and a white box will appear at the top of your screen. You type boolprop testingcheatsenabled true, and then you hold down the Shift button, and click on your Sim. A new menue appears, and then you hit the "More" button. You will find "Make Vampire" as a choice. If you click it, your Sim will turn into a vampire! This is the easiest way to turn your Sim into a vampire. Hope this helps!
no, you can only become a vampire if you have the sims 2 Nightlife for the PC
You have to have sims 2 night life to become a vampire.
No but you can find a mod at which allowa you to have majors that revolve around vampires. I can't remember if it is vampire majors or majors with classes starting at night so your vampire sim doesn't die.
And if you have a vampire, delete all the windows in the house.
No, but you can be an alien. Only Sims 2 for PC can become vampire, werewolf and alien.
You need to meet a vampire downtown if you have nightlife and build a good relationship and they will bite you.