A gift that starts with R and ends with E is a rose or a nice trip to Rome.
The country that starts with P and ends with S is Philippines.
The tiger is an animal that starts with t and ends with r. Additional animals include terrier and tapir.
SMILER - There is a mile between the s and the r!
A word that starts with S and ends with X is sphinx.
One example of a long word that starts with "s" and ends with "r" is "supercomputer."
-roses - reasonspretty much any r word with an s at the end, to make it plural.
Recorder is a musical instrument. It starts with r and ends with er.
ranggus is is vegetable that taste like a sour carrot
A gift that starts with R and ends with E is a rose or a nice trip to Rome.
The country that starts with P and ends with S is Philippines.
The country that starts with P and ends with S is Philippines.
The tiger is an animal that starts with t and ends with r. Additional animals include terrier and tapir.