2-letter words
3-letter words
box, cox, fox, gox, lox, oxo, oxy, pox, sox, vox
4-letter words
boxy, coxa, doxy, foxy, moxa, oxen, oxes, oxid, oxim
5-letter words
boxed, boxer, boxes, coxae, coxal, coxed, coxes, detox, doxie, epoxy, foxed, foxes, goxes, loxed, loxes, moxas, moxie, oxbow, oxeye, oxide, oxids, oxime, oxims, oxlip, oxter, phlox, poxed, poxes, proxy, redox, toxic, toxin, unbox
6-letter words
alkoxy, anoxia, anoxic, bollox, boxcar, boxers, boxful, boxier, boxing, cowpox, coxing, dioxid, dioxin, doxies, ethoxy, foxier, foxily, foxing, hatbox, hotbox, icebox, loxing, lummox, moxies, outbox, outfox, oxalic, oxalis, oxbows, oxcart, oxeyes, oxford, oxides, oxidic, oximes, oxlips, oxtail, oxters, oxygen, pegbox, peroxy, poxing, teabox, toxine, toxins, toxoid, volvox
7-letter words
alloxan, anoxias, bandbox, boombox, boxcars, boxfish, boxfuls, boxhaul, boxiest, boxings, boxlike, boxwood, cashbox, coalbox, coxalgy, coxcomb, coxitis, detoxed, detoxes, digoxin, dioxane, dioxide, dioxids, dioxins, epoxide, epoxied, epoxies, epoxyed, equinox, ethoxyl, feedbox, firebox, flummox, fowlpox, foxfire, foxfish, foxhole, foxiest, foxings, foxlike, foxskin, foxtail, foxtrot, gearbox, hellbox, hydroxy, hypoxia, hypoxic, indoxyl, jukebox, lockbox, mailbox, methoxy, noxious, oxalate, oxazine, oxblood, oxcarts, oxfords, oxheart, oxidant, oxidase, oxidate, oxidise, oxidize, oxtails, oxyacid, oxygens, oxymora, oxyphil, oxysalt, oxysome, oxytone, paradox, peroxid, phenoxy, phloxes, pillbox, postbox, princox, proxies, proximo, redoxes, saltbox, sandbox, soapbox, sonovox, toolbox, toxemia, toxemic, toxical, toxines, toxoids, trioxid, unboxed, unboxes, woodbox, workbox
8-letter words
acetoxyl, alloxans, amphioxi, anatoxin, anoxemia, anoxemic, biotoxin, bolloxed, bolloxes, boxberry, boxboard, boxhauls, boxiness, boxthorn, boxwoods, breadbox, carboxyl, cowpoxes, coxalgia, coxalgic, coxcombs, coxswain, detoxify, detoxing, digoxins, dioxanes, dioxides, doxology, epoxides, epoxying, ethoxies, ethoxyls, exotoxic, exotoxin, foxfires, foxglove, foxholes, foxhound, foxiness, foxskins, foxtails, foxtrots, gloxinia, hatboxes, horsepox, hotboxes, hydroxyl, hypoxias, iceboxes, indoxyls, lummoxes, matchbox, methoxyl, monoxide, naloxone, nontoxic, orthodox, ototoxic, outboxed, outboxes, outfoxed, outfoxes, oxalated, oxalates, oxalises, oxazepam, oxazines, oxbloods, oxhearts, oxidable, oxidants, oxidases, oxidasic, oxidated, oxidates, oxidised, oxidiser, oxidises, oxidized, oxidizer, oxidizes, oxpecker, oxtongue, oxyacids, oxygenic, oxymoron, oxyphile, oxyphils, oxysalts, oxysomes, oxytocic, oxytocin, oxytones, paroxysm, pegboxes, peroxide, peroxids, poxvirus, protoxid, proxemic, proximal, pyroxene, saucebox, siloxane, smallpox, snuffbox, soundbox, suboxide, sweatbox, swinepox, teaboxes, tetroxid, thyroxin, toxaemia, toxaemic, toxemias, toxicant, toxicity, trioxide, trioxids, unboxing, volvoxes
No - The only valid two letter words using X in scrabble (interestingly you can create them with each of the vowels) are: AX EX XI OX XU
Yes. Ox is a legal Scrabble word.
No, 'xo' is not a valid word in Scrabble. 'xi, xu, ax, and ox' are some of the valid 2 letter words in Scrabble containing 'x'. 'Xo' is valid only if you are playing Clabbers, a variation of Scrabble where and anagram of a proper word is allowed.
what scrabble words use eplhciy
No - The only valid two letter words using X in scrabble (interestingly you can create them with each of the vowels) are: AX EX XI OX XU
Yes. Ox is a legal Scrabble word.
2-letter wordsdo, od, or, ox, xu3-letter wordsdor, duo, oud, our, rod, udo, urd4-letter wordsdour, doux, duro, roux16 words found.
No, 'xo' is not a valid word in Scrabble. 'xi, xu, ax, and ox' are some of the valid 2 letter words in Scrabble containing 'x'. 'Xo' is valid only if you are playing Clabbers, a variation of Scrabble where and anagram of a proper word is allowed.
The letters ox contain 1 word. Ox is the only word.
what scrabble words use eplhciy
They are words that are legal to use in the game Scrabble.
zoo xray exact exactly adz ax ox hoax coax hoaxes hoaxed and so on
As strong as an ox.
The ox refused to move. He couldn't run very fast, but he was strong as an ox.
Some rhyming words that end with -ox are socks, rocks, and fox.