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  • civilize
  • devise
  • galvanize
  • individualize
  • novelize
  • overgeneralize
  • oversize
  • pulverize
  • trivialize
  • uncivilized
  • vaporize
  • vocalize
  • visualize
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Q: What Scrabble words use both v and z?
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What are some Scrabble words that use both the letter V and the letter Z?

Here are some Scrabble words that use both the V and the Z:cervezacivilizecollectivizeevangelizeevzone, evzonesextravaganza (if someone lays down extra...)galvanizeindividualizekuvaszmitzvahnovelizeovergeneralizeoversizeoverzeal, overzealousprivatizepulverizerendezvoustrivializeuncivilizedvandalizevaporizeverbalizevictimizevirtualizevisualizevitalizevizard, vizardsvizier, viziersvizirvizor, vizored, vizorsvizsla, vizslasvocalizevowelizevulgarizezelkovazemstvozouave, zouaveszyzzyva (requires a lot of blanks)

What Scrabble words use both v and g?

Vagina, vagrant, vagary, gravity, grave, grove, glove, glaive

Can you use uv in scrabble?

No, there are no two-letter words in the Scrabble dictionary using 'V'.

What words use both z and v?


5 letter words that end in v?

There are two possible 5-letter words that end in V: GANEV and SCHAV. Both odd, but valid in the official scrabble dictionary.

What are some Scrabble words that use the letters V Z and X?

There are only two in the Scrabble dictionary: extravaganza extravaganzas

What words have an v and a in them?

Some words that have both an A and a V in them are:VacuumVacateEvadeEvaluateAdventureAverageValeLeaveSaveRavage

Scrabble words ending in v?

Here are 39 words ending in V! I don't know if they are valid scrabble words or not...

Do any 2 letter scrabble words end in v?

There are no recorded two (2) letter scrabble word that ends with V.

Two letter Scrabble words with v?

There are no two-letter words beginning with V. Sorry!