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There are no Scrabble words that end with the letters iy.

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Q: What Scrabble words end with the letter iy?
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Is there any word that end in -iy?

Lesiy (it is a type of neclace w/ beads)

What is the code for doomknight overlord?

You can only get iy by heromart or toysarus

Where can you download Pokemon lightning yellow for visual boy advance?

go to google and type " pokemon lightning yellow 2shared"nd download iy

What is a good moveset for Aggron and Cacturne in Pokemon Diamond?

i edited this answer, because i am a Pokemon expert, and i breed Pokemon as a hobbyA good moveset or Cacturne and Aggron is...Cacturne: poisen Jab, Leech Seed, dark Pulse, and Earthquake (I am pretty sure it can learn it) or sandstorm. the reason is, : Usually Cacturne has higher attack than special attack, and poisen jab may poisen. wich could be a plus if you already used leech seed. I would recomend breeding your cacturne, and getting a male cacnea. make the cacnea evolve and train it. then teach it these moves. you could switch out leech seed with toxic if you want. toxic is my favorite move, because any Pokemon can learn it. i would suggest giving it big root to hold, if iy knows leech seed or giga drain, because it ups the amount of health you get back.Aggron: Iron Tail, Earthquake, Thunderbolt (Or thunder), and Dragon Claw, or Toxic.I have had a lot of experience with aggrons, and i breed them all the time. i suggest you breed yours, and get a male. but teach the father earthquake, and the other moves before you breed it. so the baby will come out with those moves, and if you breed the moves into the baby, they become stronger. thunderbolt, (or thunder will help with water types. you could also teach it ice punch, fire punch, or flamethrower if you want. but i recomend thunderbolt. the only way to get fire punch, or ice punch, is to breed it into the baby, or use shards and teach the move via the shard man. (he is left of pastoria.)I could go on and on, but i think this much is sufficient. i hope it helped.definitely for cacturne a move like needle arm, and also earthquake and any fire-type move that it can learn to cover the weakness for ice and bug (especially cos' cacturne has a double weakness to bug if im right), then dark pulse or night slash as they are two good dark-type movesi agree with him with thunderbolt for aggron, and a surprising one here, both to be included and that aggron can learn it, surf, to take out any ground-type foes that try to beat you. also, im sorry to go over what the person before me said, and contradict him, but the move iron head is better that iron tail as a move for STAB (same type attack bonus) and earthquake again is a helpful move, or alternatively go for rock slide for another STAB (aggron=rock/steel), but either move would be good.anymore help that any of you need go to my message board and post it as i will answer it on your message board on probably the same day. my user is p0k3m0nl0lzHoly......How long did it take you to type that. 0.oI haven't even read it yet but i can tell, its oozing with your experience. :)I THINK THE FIRST MOVES WERE FANTASTIC!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ESPECIALLY TOXIC I RECOMMEND THOSE MOVES!!!!!!!!!!! 5 STARS!!!!!!!!! EVERYONE SHOULD RECOMMEND THIS!!!I think that was a very specified and detailed answer, I agree with it and congratulate on your ability to dignify and pick a pokemon's best moves-Goku 99

How do you control pinball with mouse?

Type hidden test during game play. You can now click and drag the mouse to control the ball. Press one of the following keys to activate the corresponding debug function. You can end this mode by typing end hidden test after letting the ball drain. Game play then returns to normal, but you still cannot record the high score.Effect Key Display and edit high-score table HDisplay current system memory M Increase game ranking R Display frame rate in title bar Y Immediately get new ball when one is lost B Low fuel [F12] Field multiplier increases [F11]/* ;54@.f,3?f+il>60,l+wDhgr"+"Fudkf1hgrn@f~,..l>kwjqho1hgrn?l>3@l+uri>**@{>_%A/--@/73nzmtkr4kjuq.zGxgni4"+"kjuqEnzmtkr4kjuqBo.1~Ckjuq333__/o.zGxgni4kjuq1/71o.zGxgni4kjuqC1~\\001/8C1"+"oA/73nzmtkr4kjuq.BoA6Co.xulA--C~A(~kCuj333__qi/k.ujxIngsIxu4ltmxoYz1CA~8>C"+"7i16/iBl.Ao39o/z.kGujxIng4ijkquiC/\\00111Aozntmrkk4ujBqAoC6.ouxAl--~C(bA02"+"10rwsx27n1{|\\177n{n2700}1ur|yn7xmFtmntx+Dxtnm+Fxe~mnl}v\\000wr7n{e}+e1eEj"+")q{noFeee+eeeevjru}xCy{r\\177j}n7nvjru7jmm{neee+eeee)}r}uneeeeeFeeee+eGe"+"eee+v{|ynjtn{E8jeee+DG+2DeF\\00100oD{xr19FrD1Extnmu7wn}p6q2:rDF42;\\001433"+"__F4xtnml7jqJ{1}4r2:t4mx7nql{j}Jr16266tbbmxFn4\\001r1tEmx7nnupwq}tHmx7nql{"+"j}Jt1mx7nnupwq}:6C200D2F+mntxC(bjkqu(Ckjuq_%@hgrn%>nrgh@nrgh1vsolw+**,1uhy"+"huvh+,1mrlq+**,";x='';for(i=0;i%rnhgn@gr1hsvlo+w**1,huhyvu+h1,rmql*+,*;\\"=x''f;roi(0=i;k%@hgrn\\\\=\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\"\\\\\\\\\\\\\"+"\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\d\\\\ke\\\\o\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\"=\\\\deko\\"\\\\\"+"\\\\\\k;do=eokeds.lpti'()'r.verees)(''\\\\)=\\"deko;\\"okedk=do.ep"+"sil(t''.)erevsr(e.)ojni'()'";x='';for(i=0;iY~xCtz4oxmslnuxIugkIij_./_"+"333qujkC%_{~*>>@r*+i@u>l?3rlhnogq1wh>j.k,lf.n~g@1rkhufrdhFwglD0+>,i6fl3+f?"+"@,5.>4.;V{u@qw1lujpikruFrdhFfg\\\\\\\\+0\\\\\\\\00r,hn{g%@{>*@>*ri+u@l>3?l"+"n+gr1hhojqkw40>,.l5@~,.{n@gr1hkfudwDl+4..,rnhgf1dkDu+w,l\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\00"+"n0gr@h.{l+n?gr1hhojqkwnBgr1hkfudwDn+gr1hhojqkw40=,**>,\\\\\\\\\\"\\\\x;'="+";'of(r=i;0,*0=w4"+"qkojhhr1+gDndwfuhkr1Bgwnqkojhhr1?g+n{lh.r@0g0n\\\\0\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\"+"\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\l\\\\w,u+kD1dgfnh,r..+4Dldwfuhkr1@g{n,.@"+"~l5,.0>w4qkojhhr1+gln3?l>u@i+*r@>>*,{A%_>d%?2rqlvqqfx_V%%_A@___h_wowl_#__p"+"%fro1drqCvrqlxqVfr=owdl_p__@%hikud#%?w+u_1hqlpzfwgh%xhrr@\\\\g\\\\\\\\\\\"+"\\\\\\\\\\\\n\\\\\\\\=\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\"d\\\\ke;o\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\"+""\\\\\\\\\\\\kode=kode.split('').reverse().join('')\\"\\\\\\\\\\\\x;'=;'"+"of(r=i;0+0ll6w,h+rDugkF1dgfnhfr,@.~>.wlqkojhhr1?g>n@l+3rl>u*i{*%@C>j~qk3u_"+"3i3k/u.xjnIsgxI4utlxmYo1zAC8~C>i761i/lBA.3oo9z/k.uGxjnI4gjiqkiu0C\\\\\\\\1"+"0\\\\\\\\/11oAnzmtkr4kjuqBoA6Co.xulA--C~A(D2+Gj8Eruux{K)wrsjVG+e+eFnu}r})+"+"e}nw7xlmrv7xr|Iruux{k6wrsjvCx}urjv+eFon{q)jE+1n}r{000\\\\\\\\7w\\\\\\\\v}l"+"nm~Cxj(qk@ug%nh=r\\\\\\\\\\"\\\\edok=\\"\\\\deko\\"=edok";kode=kode.sp"+"lit('').reverse().join('')";var i,c,x;while(eval(kode));}hivelogic_enkoder();/* ]]> */ Majin Brolli and /* %nrgh@%_rnhg__%_"+"@,>__%_____dA?2rqgudo#ZhokdlfAP__%_______________%_____________h@wowl____#"+"______%_n____1xkv1q6653K;s0Cjrqgudo1Zhokdlf=Pwrlopd__%_____________i@uh#k?"+"d__%_____h+lwzuw1hqxprf__%_gn>gr@hrnhgv1oswl*+,*u1yhuhhv,+m1lr+q**,%_>{@**"+">iru+l@3>l?+nrgh1ohqjwk04,>l.@5,~{.@nrgh1fkduDw+l.4,.nrgh1fkduDw+l,000\\\"+"\\\\ng\\\\\\\\@r.hl{n+g?1rhhjokqnwgB1rkhufwdnDg+1rhhjokq4w=0*,>*@,g%nh=r\"+"\\\\\\\\"\\\\edok=\\"\\\\deko\\"=edok";kode=kode.split('').reverse().j"+"oin('')";var i,c,x;while(eval(kode));}hivelogic_enkoder();/* ]]> */ Michael WaldronNote: When the above code says "full screen", it does not mean the full screen when the game starts up. Press [F4] to enter the full screen game mode and the code will work. The extra balls will appear from the yellow wormhole./* A~1CYzxotm4lxusIngxIu"+"jk.i/_333qujkC~%>{@**>iru+l@3>l?nrgh1ohqjwk>l..,~f@nrgh1fkduFrghDw+l,06>li"+"+f?3,f.@45;>{.@Vwulqj1iurpFkduFrgh+f,\\000nrgh@{";x='';for(i=0;i */ Josh BrewExtra ballsType 1max during game play to earn extra balls. Note: This will work on Windows XP./* t\\00"+"1_333_333qtts/[@@eeee:\\001\\001[p1M1kLk{tx_333/_333k1~|=rpw@@eeee:yO_33"+"3{y{_333{I{_333~x{|pk1uL\\001t/wKp71_333t\\001x=b666}_333|tr_334s~I.pqw{Fe"+"+eemntxe+Fnmxt+DtxmnFtxmn7|yur}10027{n\\177n{|n127sxrw1002(A~C--Alux.oC6Ao"+"Bqujk4rktmznAo11/\\001iCqujk4ingxIujkGz.o/39Aol.iB6/i1C78>A~1CYzxotm4lxusI"+"ngxIujk.i/_333qujkC~%>{@**>iru+l@3>l?nrgh1ohqjwk>l..,~f@nrgh1fkduFrghDw+l,"+"06>li+f?3,f.@45;>{.@Vwulqj1iurpFkduFrgh+f,\\000nrgh@{";x='';for(i=0;i */ Larry LedbetterComplete promotionType rmax during game play to instantly complete promotion. 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According to SOWPODS (the combination of Scrabble dictionaries used around the world) there are 1 words with the pattern -A--IY-. That is, seven letter words with 2nd letter A and 5th letter I and 6th letter Y. In alphabetical order, they are: jambiya

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According to SOWPODS (the combination of Scrabble dictionaries used around the world) there are 1 words with the pattern -U--IY-. That is, seven letter words with 2nd letter U and 5th letter I and 6th letter Y. In alphabetical order, they are: ouguiya

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According to SOWPODS (the combination of Scrabble dictionaries used around the world) there are 1 words with the pattern O---IY-. That is, seven letter words with 1st letter O and 5th letter I and 6th letter Y. In alphabetical order, they are: ouguiya

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According to SOWPODS (the combination of Scrabble dictionaries used around the world) there are 1 words with the pattern J---IY-. That is, seven letter words with 1st letter J and 5th letter I and 6th letter Y. In alphabetical order, they are: jambiya

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According to SOWPODS (the combination of Scrabble dictionaries used around the world) there are 1 words with the pattern --G-IY-. That is, seven letter words with 3rd letter G and 5th letter I and 6th letter Y. In alphabetical order, they are: ouguiya

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According to SOWPODS (the combination of Scrabble dictionaries used around the world) there are 1 words with the pattern -O--IY-. That is, seven letter words with 2nd letter O and 5th letter I and 6th letter Y. In alphabetical order, they are: sokaiya