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zigzagoon i think

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Q: What Pokemon was chasing Prof Birch?
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How do you get prof birch to battle you in Pokemon sapphire?

first catch all Pokemon or trade with your friends then go to littleroot go to prof birch lab then he will give you chikorita,totodile&cyndaquile if you beat him prof birch Pokemon is ssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssecret find it by your self

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you have to see all of the Pokemon and then you get the national pokedex from Prof. Birch and Prof. Oak in Prof. Birch's lab after completeing the Sinnoh pokedex.

How do you get the pokedex in Pokemon emerald?

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How do you get 2 masterballs in Pokemon Ruby?

Actually i found 2 in Pokemon ruby where close to the shelves of books next to prof. Birch. But you have to get it when prof birch isn't in there in the start of the game. By neil convento

Where do you get the pokedex in Pokemon ruby?

You get the Pokedex after choosing your starter Pokemon in Prof. Birch's lab.

How do you fill up Sinnoh pokedex in platinum?

you have to see all of the Pokemon and then you get the national pokedex from Prof. Birch and Prof. Oak in Prof. Birch's lab after completeing the Sinnoh pokedex.

How do you save prof birch from the wild Pokemon in emerald?

in route 101

What Pokemon does professor birch offer to you after you seen every Pokemon in the pokedex?

you have to have caught every Pokemon in the pokedex and then prof. BIRCH will offer you a choice of: Cyndaquil, Totodile or Chikorita. hope that helps

Where is prof birch when you get national pokedex in diamond?

Prof Birch is NOT in Diamond Prof OAK is in Eterna City.

In Pokemon who is Brendan Birch?

He is the son of Prof. Birch and a Pokemon trainer who enjoys battling in Battle towers.

What are the Pokemon you get after completeing your pokedex?

In emerald if you complete the pokedex you can get Chikorita, Cyndaquil and Totodoile from prof birch.

Where is prof birch after beating the Pokemon league in sapphire?

you should be able to find him back at his lab