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Pokemon that have claws, horns etc. Although Zangoose cannot learn the TM cut.

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Q: What Pokemon use cut in ruby version?
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In Pokemon Ruby how do you cut down a tree?

Have one of your Pokemon use the move Cut.

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use flash

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It heals 20 HP of the Pokemon you use it on.

What Pokemon can use hm-01 cut in ruby version?

There's Torchic, Combusken, Blaziken, Treecko, Grovyle, and Sceptile, Nincada, Ninjask, and others.

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sand slash trapinch and haryama

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Use pokeballs.

Can you transfer Pokemon from the Game Boy ruby version to a ds version of Pokemon diamond?

Yes, use pal park and have the Pokemon you want to transfer in the PC.

How do you cut down trees in Pokemon Yellow version?

Teach HM Cut to a Pokemon and use it on the tree.

Where are the rubies in Pokemon LeafGreen version?

the sapphire is INSIDE the mountain after kindle road where the rocket grunts are the ruby is in the dotted hole on 6 isle. the sign is in braille. use cut to get in.

How can a Pokemon learn cut in Pokemon ruby?

Find the HM (in the building next to the Pokemon centre in rustboro city) and use it in the menu

What badge do you need to use cut in Pokemon Gold version?

To use cut outside of battle in Pokemon gold version you need the second badge from Azalea Town from the gym leader Bugsy.

What Pokemon can you use a moons stone on ruby version?

Skitty evolves into Delcatty though the use of a moon stone.