Pokemon that start with the letter "A" are: * Abomasnow * Abra * Absol * Aerodactyl * Aggron * Aipom * Alakazam * Altaria * Ambipom * Anorith * Arbok * Arcanine * Ariados * Armaldo * Aron * Articuno * Azelf * Azumarill * Azurill Hope this helped :)
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Zubat and zigzagoon.
Pokémon starting with the letter K:KabutoKabutopsKadabraKakunaKangaskhanKarrablastKecleonKeldeoKingdraKinglerKirliaKlangKlinkKlinklangKoffingKrabbyKricketotKricketuneKrookodileKrokorokKyogreKyurem
It will be air January 15, 2011
Quilava, Quagsire, Qwilfish, and Quilladin.