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Carbos for EV stats as well as the hold item Power Anklet

Quick claw, may let your pokemon attack first and choice scarf will also increase your speed but limit you to only one attack.

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Q: What Pokemon items increase speed?
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The Pokemon that has the greater speed attacks first, but there are some moves that attack always first in the battle and some items that increase the chance of attacking first like the Quick Claw

How much of an increase do hold items give your Pokemon?

Not that much it multiplies power by 0.5.

How does carbos work in Pokemon black?

Carbos is a stat enhancing item that can be used to increase the Speed stat of the pokemon you use it on. Note that occassionally the item may not affect the stat the first time it's used. Look at your pokemon's Speed stat and write it down (let's say its 30). Use the Carbos then look at the Speed stat again. If it's now 31 the item has worked. If not you may need to try using another. Every pokemon's growth is different so these items can affect each differently. Occasionally the item may increase the stats by more than one.

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Increases the user's Speed by two stages. You have a max of six stages you can increase a stat. Each stage is a 50% increase so Rock Polish gives 100% increase to speed everytime you use it.

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How can the chances of a lunatone in sapphire holding a moon stone increase?

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In a way, yes. You can give items to your Pokemon and trade them.

Is it possible to trade items to Pokemon black?

no but you can trade Pokemon holding the items.