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he uses all types of pokemons he doesnt have a specific pokemon except for his pikschu he always has him

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Q: What Pokemon is used by ash?
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Sacred ash can be used to revive all fainted Pokemon in your party.

How many Pokemon does Ash have?

Ash currently has 29 Pokemon. Ash has had

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Ash does not eat his Pokemon.

Is ash real from Pokemon?

if a baby is called ash and acts like ash in Pokemon then that's ash

Do you miss the original Pokemon?

I miss the original Pokemon with Ash, Misty, and Brock. Pokemon used to be amazing, and now it's changed over the years. I really miss the original Pokemon. I love Misty and I miss Misty. Pokemon used to be awesome. The new Pokemon is just not the same. I miss the old Pokemon adventures with Misty and Ash. Misty and Ash need to back together again. IT would be awesome if CN brings back the original Pokemon with Ash, Misty, and Brock for some reruns.

What is the name of ash Pokemon?

Ash Ketchem is his name in the Pokemon seires

Is ash anywhere on Pokemon emerald?

No, Sorry Ash is not in Pokemon emerald

Is Ash in love?

Ash in Pokemon??

Who is Ash's weakest Pokemon?

Torkoal is the weakest Fire Type Pokemon Ash has.

What are ash's Pokemon in advanced?

Ash's Pokemon in advanced are pikachu,tailow and treeko

What is Pokemon ash gray?

Pokemon ash grey is not an official game It is a Rom hack of Pokemon FireRed