The national dex says Sunflora. There is no 192 in the sinnoh dex but the one for platinum goes up to 210. Not really sure what it is havent played platinum in a while.
there isn't one the highest is #151 manaphy This statement is true for pearl and diamond but in Pokemon platinum the Pokemon with an Id of 192 is Porygon
how to get shining Pokemon on pearl vershow can you get shining Pokemon in pearl version
What is the pokemon pearl ID?
There is no mime jr. on Pokemon pearl. On diamond there is mime jr. on Pokemon pearl there is bonsly
No. Just like in Pokemon Pearl with the Pal Park you can only trade from Pokemon pearl to black, not back
there isn't one the highest is #151 manaphy This statement is true for pearl and diamond but in Pokemon platinum the Pokemon with an Id of 192 is Porygon
you cant get a diamond on Pokemon pearl but you can get a pearl on diammond ...and pearl.
Pokemon no.147 in the Pokemon Pearl National Pokedex is Dratini.
how to get shining Pokemon on pearl vershow can you get shining Pokemon in pearl version
You can not get Balbasaur in Pokemon pearl
Yes, you can get it on Pokemon Pearl.
What is the pokemon pearl ID?
There is no mime jr. on Pokemon pearl. On diamond there is mime jr. on Pokemon pearl there is bonsly
Hayley is a character in My Pokemon Ranch, not Pokemon Pearl.
The Pokemon 47th in the pokedex on Pearl, is Mothim
Trade with Pokemon Pearl or Pokemon Platinum