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Eelectrik into Eelectross

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Q: What Pokemon evolves with a thunderstone in Pokemon Black and White?
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What does tymano evolve into in Pokemon Black and White?

Tynamo evolves into Eelektrik at lv. 39, give it a thunderstone and it evolves into Eelektross.

When does Pikachu evolove in Pokemon white version?

Pikachu evolves when you give it a thunderstone.

When does elektrik evolve in Pokemon white?

it evolves with a thunderstone you can get one in chargestone cave

What Pokemon can you can you use the thunderstone on i Pokemon black and white versions?

Eelektrik does

What Pokemon evolve with a thunderstone in Pokemon White?

Tynamo will evolve into Elektrik will evolve into Elektross with a thunderstone in Pokemon White.

How does keldeo evolve?

it evolves if you transfer it from Pokemon black or white to Pokemon black 2 or white 2

What Pokemon evolves with a beautiful Scale?

In Pokemon black and white, it evolves feebas into milotic once you trade

What Pokemon evolves with prsim scale?

in pokemon black and white if you trade feebas holding a prism scale it evolves into milotic.

What level does a krookodile evolve at in Pokemon Black?

krookodile evolves at level 40 in Pokemon black and white

How do you evolve vanillish in Pokemon black?

Vanillish evolves into Vanilluxe at level 47, on Pokemon White and Black.

What level does fibass evolve in Pokemon Black and white?

In Pokemon Black and White, Febass evolves when you trade it while it is holding a prism scale.

What level does krookdile evolve at on Pokemon Black?

krookdile evolves at level 40 on both Pokemon black and white