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Well Done for finding one - they're quite rare!

The item you have 'Metal Coat', will successfully evolve an ONIX into a STEELIX. You can catch ONIXs in many caves throughout Sinnoh, but you can specifically find high leveled ones (about Lv55) in the Snowpoint City Temple after beating the Elite Four.

Good Luck!


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Q: What Pokemon evolves from a metal coat on Pokemon diamond?
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Scyther evolves when you give it a Metal Coat (To Hold) Then trade it.NOTE: You will not get the Metal Coat back.

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onix evolves in a trade when holding the metal coat

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scyther doesn't evolve from any pokemon, but evolves into scisor when traded with a metal coat

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It evolves two pokemon: Onix and Scyther. Have each hold the Metal Coat then trade them to a friend take them back and you will get a Steelix and Scizor.

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Scyther evolves to Scizor when you trade Scyther while it is holding a metal coat and when the trade dones Scyther evolves into Scizorgive it a metal coat something like that.

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Scyther only evolves if you trade it and it`s holding a Metal Coat.

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Trade a Scyther holding Metal Coat.

How do you evolve onix in Pokemon diamond?

give it a metal coat and trade it