Both the normal Pokemon that evolve via DawnStone.
Male Kirlia--> Gallade, the Fighting/Psychic Pokemon
Female Snorunt --> Froslass, the Ice/Ghost Pokemon.
Have fun choosing~
Magmius or honchkrow
Exeggcute evolves when you use a leaf stone on it.
use a water stone o evole it
It evolve by a moon stone not leveling up
Magmius or honchkrow
fire stone
a male Kirlia or a female snorunt
Sunkern-Sunflora, Gloom-Bellosom
to get Pokemon that evolve with the moon stone easy'a
Poliwhirl, Shellder, Staryu, Eevee, and Lombre.
Exeggcute evolves when you use a leaf stone on it.
use a water stone o evole it
Togetic evolves with a shiny stone. So does roselia but you cannot get it till much later on in the game
you can use a leaf stone in heart gold it will evolve into sunflora