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Of what I've heard...a male Kirila evolves with a Dawn Stone to make it a Gallade. But I'm not to sure...'cause...a female Ralts evoles into Kirila at level 20, the female Kirila evolves into Gardevoir at level 30. So....I'm not to sure with the male Kirila with Dawn Stone to Gallade. Try if you have to....BYE!!!

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βˆ™ 13y ago
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βˆ™ 14y ago

the dawn stone helps a female kirlia evolve into a gardevoir. also a male kirlia evolve into a gallade.It also evolves a female snorunt into a frostlass

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βˆ™ 12y ago

The Pokemon that evolve with a Dawn Stone are as follows:

Kirlia evolves into Gallade (MALE ONLY).

Snorunt evolves into Froslass (FEMALE ONLY).

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Q: What Pokemon evolve with a dawn stone?
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What Pokemon dose a dawn stone evolve?

In the Pokemon Games, the Dawn Stone is an evolutionary stone that will help two different Pokemon evolve. When exposed to a Dawn Stone, Snorunt's evolve into Froslass and Kiralia's evolve in Gallade.

What Pokemon evolve with dawn stone?

Two Pokemon can evolve if exposed to the Dawn Stone. A Snorunt will evolve into a Froslass, and a Kiralia will evolve into a Gallade.

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What Pokemon evolve by Dawn Stone?

Ok, the only Pokemon that i know that can evolve with a dawn stone is a snorunt. it evolves into a frosslass. more l8r! -Vapo

What POKeMON evolves from the dawn stone in Pokemon Pearl?

A dawn stone will evolve a male kirlia and a snowrunt into a frosslass

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Zangoose,,pachrisu,vullaby,and purrloin-oh yeah.Audino too,evolve with dawn stone.

What Pokemon evloves by using the dawn stone in Pokemon platiunm?

The dawn stone causes a male Kirlia to evolve in Gallade and a female Snorunt to evolve into a Froslass.

What Pokemon does the dawn stone make evolve?

The dawn stone is an evolutionary stone. It makes a male Kirlia evolve into Gallade and a female Snorunt into Froslass.

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The dawn stone will evolve a male kirlia into a gallade and a female snorunt into a froslass

How does frostlass evolve on Pokemon Diamond?

you cant evolve froslass but you can use a dawn stone on snorunt You need to use a Dawn Stone on a female Snorunt to evolve it. The Dawn Stone won't work with a male Snorunt.

What level does buedew evolve on Pokemon diamond?

you need a dawn stone to evolve it

What Pokemon do you use to evolve with dawn stone?

Male Kirlia can evolve into Gallade if Dawn stone is exposed to it & the sam way a female Snorunt evolves into Froslass if Dawn stone is exposed to it.