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Haunter to gengar...graveller to golem...kadabra to alakazam..polywhirl to polytoad (make sure its holding king's rock)...slowbro to slowking (king's rock)..all i can think of so far :|

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Q: What Pokemon evolve when you trade them?
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How do you evolve haunter on Pokemon Platinum?

You have to trade the Pokemon to evolve it.

How does haunter evolve on Pokemon Diamond and Pearl?

you trade him. and he will evolve into gengar. you trade him. and he will evolve into gengar.

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You can't. You can either trade it to a person who will definitely trade it back, or wait for a person to trade a Pokemon that will evolve by trade to you

Does a Pokemon evolve into Gengar?

Yes. The pokemon is Haunter. In order to evolve Haunter you will have to trade him with a friend and he will evolve. Just trade back to get Gengar.

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u have to trade him then he will evolve in the trade

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no, you have to trade them.

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Trade Haunter with any Pokemon to make it evolve!

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You have to trade it , and it will evolve on the trade ,

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It will only evolve if you trade it.

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trade it then it will evolve