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The Dusk Stone evolves Misdreavus, which is only in Pearl Version, and Murkrow, which is only in Diamond Version.



To evolve Sneasel, you have to give it a Razor Claw and level it up at night.

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Q: What Pokemon does a dusk stone make evolve?
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What are Dusk Stones Shiny Stones Dawn Stones and Oval stone on Pokemon and were can you get them?

Dusk stones/shiny stones/ dawn stones/and oval stones are items that make certain Pokemon evolve. You can get A dusk stone in the galatic building in veilstone city. you evolve happiny by giveing it a oval stone and lvling it up murkrow evolves with dusk stone you evolve Roselia by using a shiny stone you can evolve togetic with a shiny stone

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It will evolve at level 41 into lampent and you will have to use a dusk stone to make it turn into chandelure.Or just use two dusk stones

What level till misdreavus evolves in Pokemon pearl?

Misdreavus doesn't evolve through leveling. You must use a dusk stone on it to make it evolve. You can find a dusk stone in Victory Road or the Galactic Warehouse.

How do you make a murkow evolve?

In Pearl and diamond, use a dusk stone, it will evolve into honchrow you can get a dusk stone in the galactic warhouse in veilstone city

What level does a misdreavus evolve at in Pokemon diamond?

you evolve misderivious with a dusk stone.Yep, you can't evolve it by leveling it up, but it does help if you want to trick your friends ^.^ Otherwise use the dusk stone and make sure it isn't holding an everstone xx

What stones make Eevee evolve?

A fire stone,water stone,ice stone,dusk stone,leaf stone,thunder stone,and dark stone will evolve him/her.

Do you need a dusk stone to make evee evolve into Espeon or a dusk stone to evolve into umbereon?

no it doesnt work you have to give evee rare candys and soothbell at night to get umbreon and day to get espeon i think

What stone will make Kabutu evolve on Pokemon diamond version?

you don't evolve it by a stone it will evolve by levels

What Pokemon evolve from a oval stone Pokemon diamond?

With an oval stone, you can evolve Happiny into Chanssey.But, you need to make Happiny hold that stone and then level it up in order to evolve.

Pokemon what does a fire stone do?

most of the stones (moon stone, thunder stone, leaf stone, sun stone, dawn stone, dusk stone, oval stone, shiny stone, ....etc.....) make Pokemon evolve. However, the everstone prevent the holder from evolving.

What is a fire stone used on?

A fire stone is used on certain Pokemon to make them evolve. The Pokemon that evolve with a fire stone are: ~Evee ~Vulpix ~Growlithe

What stone can make a bug type evolve?

leaf stone, but that stone doesn't evolve all bug pokemon.