

Best Answer

Spiritomb Lv.61

Garchomp Lv.66

Gastrodon Lv.60

Milotic Lv.63

Roserade Lv.60

Lucario Lv.63

I don't remember the genders, sorry.


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Q: What Pokemon does Cynthia have in pearl and what gender are they?
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Where is Cynthia and how do you get to her in pearl?

she is in the pokemon league

Who is the Pokemon Champion in Platinum?

The champion is Pokemon Diamond, Pearl and Platinum, is Cynthia. She has various Pokemon-types. She is the Sinnoh Champion. Her Pokemon are Spiritomb, Lucario, Togekiss, Milotic, Garchomp and Roserade. In Platinum, Cynthia has a Togekiss. In Diamond and Pearl, she has a Gastrodon.

Where do you find Cynthia on Pokemon pearl DS?

of course the Pokemon league

What Pokemon does Cynthia have on Pokemon Diamond?

In Pokemon Diamond (and Pearl), Cynthia's first Pokemon is a Spiritomb. Her other 5 Pokemon are Garchomp, Gastrodon, Roserade, Milotic, and Lucario.

Can you catch Dialga on Pokemon pearl?

no but you can see it from Cynthia's gramma

Pokemon pearl where to get the hm surf?

Cynthia grandma gives it to you

How do you seemilotic on POKeMON Pearl?

The Champion cynthia has it, or evolve a feebas.

What is Cynthia's last name in Pokemon Diamond and Pearl and Platinum?

Her full name is Cynthia Roran Kale

How can you change a Pokemon's gender in Pokemon Pearl using cheats?


What trainer has milotic in platinum?

Cynthia the Pokemon Champion has a Milotic in Pokemon Diamond, Pokemon Pearl and Pokemon Platinum.

Does Cynthia stand in front of the contest hall in Pokemon pearl?

no she doesnt

What trainer has miotic on pearl?

The last person (Cynthia) in the Pokemon league