lombrea, evee, poliwhirl, shellder, and staryu. some of these can only be found in firered and leafgreen so you will need to trade. that's all I can think of.
Its evolve to Vaporeon from eevee
Yes the only way you can get a starmie is by usinga waterstone on a staryu.
You can evolve it with a waterstone.
Jigglypuff will evolve into Wigglytuff with a Moon Stone.
Its evolve to Vaporeon from eevee
Yes the only way you can get a starmie is by usinga waterstone on a staryu.
I know poliwhirl will evolve to poliwrath and that shelder will evole to cloyster with the waterstone
You Need A Waterstone.
Shellder, Staryu, Lombre, Evee.
Weezing does not evolve in Pokemon Ruby.
it doesn't evolve in Pokemon ruby.
Evvee Poliwhirl staryu Shelder Lombre
you use a water stone
You cannot evolve Nosepass in Pokemon Ruby, Sapphire, or Emerald.
You must evolve the Eevee you get from Celadon City with a Waterstone.
No you can only evolve poliwhirl to poliwrath with the waterstone. Poliwag will evolve at level 25