Roselia and its evolve can learn spike and toxic spikes and onix,machop and any other rock type pokemon can learn stealth rock
Stealth Rock can be used once. Spikes can be used up to three times, increasing switch in damage each time (12.5% one layer, 18.5% 2 layers, 25% 3 layers). Toxic spikes can be used twice (once for normal poison, second for bad poison a la Toxic). All those moves stack, so you could have up to 1 Stealth Rock, 3 Spikes and 2 Toxic Spikes up at the same if you had that long to set up.
A good support Pokemon would have to be a Pokemon that will help your team. You can try Skarmory for physical walling and spikes/stealth rock support blissey for special walling or you could try an annoyer Pokemon that forces switch outs on other teams such as rotom with confuse ray will-o-wisp ect.
You go in a Department Store in Saffron City in Kanto!
In Pokémon Black and Pokémon White, Forretress is not capable of learning Stealth Rock through level up or through the use of TMs, HMs or Tutors. Stealth Rock is an Egg Move for Forretress so you would have to use a female Pineco or Forretress and place her in the Daycare and then you would have to use a male Pokémon such as Dwebble or Crustle that would know Stealth Rock and place him in the Daycare and the Daycare Man will give you an Egg that will result into it hatching into Pineco that knows Stealth Rock.
My Mew knows the following: Swords Dance Stealth Rock Transform Metronome And so far its my best and favourite Pokemon :) Hope I helped!
Stealth Rock can be used once. Spikes can be used up to three times, increasing switch in damage each time (12.5% one layer, 18.5% 2 layers, 25% 3 layers). Toxic spikes can be used twice (once for normal poison, second for bad poison a la Toxic). All those moves stack, so you could have up to 1 Stealth Rock, 3 Spikes and 2 Toxic Spikes up at the same if you had that long to set up.
The Best Move Set for Fortress is: Use fortress as your starter battling pokemon. Then Use Spikes or Toxic spikes i recommend Toxic Spikes because it poisons the pokemon your foe uses. Then if your foe uses Spikes, Toxic Spikes or Stealth Rock make sure Fortress knows Rapid Spin because it will get rid of those pests: Spikes, Toxic Spikes or Stealth rock Best Moveset for Fortress: Spikes Toxic Spikes Rapid Spin Protect The reason for protect is because your opponent will end up fainting of poison use protect so you don't receive damage from your foe in the middle of it good luck
Using a Luvdisc with Stealth Rock is a good idea, but it can't it can although learn Toxic. Irecommend Water Pulse, Surf, Ice Beam, and of course Toxic. This pokemon isobtainable in 3rd Generation to maybe 6th Generation, but it's in 3-5.Luvdisc <3
I am currently working on a Defense team . So far: Shuckle: Iron Defense, Rest ,Toxic, Protect Snorlax: Rest, Sleep talk, Toxic, Sunny Day Umbreon: Toxic , Substitute , Confuse Ray, Moonlight Skarmory: Spikes , StealthRock, Roar , Substitute Walrein: Substitute, Protect, Hail, Ice Beam Forretress: Spikes, Stealth Rock, Poison Spikes, Self Destruct I Switch Blissey For Espeon Sometimes Just for an Attacker. Espeon(; Morning Sun , Psychic , Calm Mind , Shadow Ball
A good support Pokemon would have to be a Pokemon that will help your team. You can try Skarmory for physical walling and spikes/stealth rock support blissey for special walling or you could try an annoyer Pokemon that forces switch outs on other teams such as rotom with confuse ray will-o-wisp ect.
You go in a Department Store in Saffron City in Kanto!
It cannot as of yet. Unless you transfer it from Black 2/White 2 because Aron can learn it from a Move Tutor.
No. If you want a Metagross with Stealth Rock in X/Y you will have to transer one from a game where he can learn it. These games are the Gen IV (back when Stealth Rock was a TM), and B/W 2 (via Move Tutor). Alternatively you can try to find a player who has a Metagross with these conditions willing to trade with you.
In Pokémon Black and Pokémon White, Forretress is not capable of learning Stealth Rock through level up or through the use of TMs, HMs or Tutors. Stealth Rock is an Egg Move for Forretress so you would have to use a female Pineco or Forretress and place her in the Daycare and then you would have to use a male Pokémon such as Dwebble or Crustle that would know Stealth Rock and place him in the Daycare and the Daycare Man will give you an Egg that will result into it hatching into Pineco that knows Stealth Rock.
First if you mean strength you must beat the gym leader in pastoria city and she will give the HM strength. Then you teach to a Pokemon and you can use it. If you mean stealth rock you can teach it to a Pokemon if you have the TM for it or sometimes your Pokemon will learn it. I hope this is helpful
This can probably only be done in pokemon black and white 2, you will have to go to a move tutor, forgot which one, and teach it!
beat the first gym leader in oureburg city he then gives it to you