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The only ones I know are : Beedrill, Parasect, Scyther, Heracross, , and Kingler. They're all very hard to get, though.

Kingler, I think, is the easiest one because you can get it with a Super Rod in Cliff City. That's the best I can give, though. Sorry.

I think that Farfected is easier. But sorry, cant help you.

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Q: What Pokemon can learn false swipe in heart gold?
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Who can learn false swipe in Pokemon diamond?

There are many Pokemon that can learn false swipe: Scyther, Marowak and many more.

Which Pokemon can learn false swipe?

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What Pokemon learn false swipe?

Marowak and Scyther.

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It can learn false swipe. It can learn false swipe.

What Pokemon can learn the move false swipe?

Scyther, Marowak and Sneasel.

Can infernape learn false swipe?

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Can you get false swipe in Pokemon sapphire?

False Swipe was not available as a TM until Generation IV. However, Marowak and Sceptile can learn that move.

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No, Rayquaza cannot learn False Swipe.

Can Absol learn False Swipe?

Yes he can many Pokemon cant but absol can

What Pokémon can learn false swipe in Pokémon black?

grovlye, sceptile, nincada, and zangoose learn it by leveling up. nincada learns it at lvl. 25, and zangoose learns it at lvl. 55. im not sure about Pokemon that can learn it by TM tho... hope this helps! =] marrowack can learn it not sure what level though -------------------------------------------- EDIT: There is no TM for the move False Swipe in the Ruby/Sapphire games, unfortunately, only in Diamond/Pearl. -------------------------------------------- lvl 100 wurmple,zigzagoon, magman, pikachu and electrike

What Pokemon can learn false swipe in platnium?

here is 3,,scyther,,carnavine,,and empoleon! ^_^

Can golbat learn false swipe in diamond?

You can only learn false swipe by leveling up to earn it.