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Basically any electrical pokemon.

These include: Magneton, Electabuzz, Elekid, Zapdos, Raiikou.

I recommend Magneton because it only has 2 weakness such s as fire and ground :D

normal pokemon can learn too. but not all of them. rattatta can't for example.

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Q: What Pokemon can know flash in crystal?
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Is there 7 HMS in Pokemon Crystal?

yes. there is 7 in Pokemon crystal e.g: Strength, Flash, Fly, Surf, Whirlpool, Cut and Waterfall.

Where do you get flash in Pokemon Crystal?

From the elder in the sprout-tower, after beating him of course.

How do you get HM8 in Pokemon Crystal?

Pokemon Crystal only contained seven HMs. The 8th HM Rock smash isn't available until later generation games. The HM one can get in Pokemon Crystal are cut, fly, whirlpool, waterfall, strength, flash, and surf.

What Pokemon know flash attack?

you have to teach it to them

Where to get a Pokemon that knows flash in Pokemon Crystal?

paras at Ilex forest or a psyduck in random small bodies of water are some common ones.

What Pokemon can learn flash in crystal?

All electric and normal. Not sure of others, but I think almost all can. Not all normal Rattata can't learn Flash

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How do you get HM flash Pokemon Crystal?

sprout tower in violet city. you have to win against all the monks. geeeze

Where to get nightshade in Pokemon Crystal?

i dont know. lol

What certain Pokemon do you have to catch to get tm70?

there really is no Pokemon that know flash naturally but you can teach it to a Pokemon

Is there a new version of Pokemon Crystal?

No there are no new Pokemon i know of.But i am sure that there is no new Pokemon that have been added.Go to Google and search for how to obtain Celebi.