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There are two parts of the Pinwheel Forest:Outer part and the inner part.

Pokemon in the Outer part(grass patches):

Pidove-30% chance

Timburr-20% chance

Tympole-40% chance

Throh-10% chance

Sawk-10% chance

Rustling Grass in Outer Part:

Audino-95% chance

Throh-5% chance

Sawk-5% chance

Dark Grass in Outer part:

Pidove-30% chance

Timburr-20% chance

Tympole;40% chance

Throh:10% chance

Sawk-10% chance

Now to the Inner part(grass patches):

Venipede-20% chance

Sewaddle-40% chance

Pidove-10% chance

Cottonee(Pokemon Black ONLY)-30% chance

Petlil(Pokemon White ONLY)-30% chance

Rustling Grass(Inner):

Audino-65% chance

Pansage-10% chance

Pansear-10% chance

Panpour-10% chance

Whimsicott-(pokemon black ONLY)-5% chance

Lilligant(pokemon white ONLY)-5% chance

Dark Grass(Inner part):

Tranquill-10% chance

Swadloon-40% chance

Whirlipede-10% chance

Cottonee(Black ONLY)-40% chance

Petlil(White ONLY)-40% chance

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