haunter has to be traded to evlove haunter evolve into gengar in level 42
The most rarest Pokemon card is original set kahangaskhan. Worth more then $1000 a piece.
no, blaziken is a third generation Pokemon (region: hoenn) and the third form of the starter torchic in rby/spr/emld
it is reveled in episode 065 of the tv series, that his real name is "Humphrey Rosendorf"
Celadon City is left (<-) of Saffron City. If that doesn't help, check your map (get from Daisy in Pallet Town) or check the Pokemon Center's map and just see for yourself.
You have to catch a Kadabra and then evolve it by tradeing it with someone else. After you trade it, it evolves into Alakazam. I hope it helps!
Sadly, no. The creators of the game forgot to add in the Pokedex, so trading is impossible without GameShark. :(
use action replay
dfg tyhgtg
at mt. pyre
yes there is. just fly there if you can
You can download it at 4 SHARED.
well you have to have mewtow and change one to zacrom and then get a pekachu and get 6 enrgy cards and then get one more mew tow and leave it how it is and get i traner and that would be how to do it
You get it at the olivine city pokmon gym
No, it's soul silver exclusive.