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Some of the objects are yacht, yard and yank

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Q: What Objects that begin with the letter y?
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Name of objects that start with the letter Y?

Yacht, yak, yard, yardstick, yarn, yearbook and yo-yo are objects. They begin with the letter y.

What is a word that begins y?

Yacht, yak, yard, yardstick, yarn, yearbook and yo-yo are objects. They begin with the letter y.

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Exercises that begin with the letter Y include:Yoga

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The yolk of an egg and yams are foods. They begin with the letter y.

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Oboe and olives are objects. Oranges and ostrich begin with the letter o.

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As far as we know, there are no synonyms for amazing that begin with the letter Y.

What are some volcanoes that begin with the letter Y?

There are no known volcanoes that begin with the letter Y.

What tools begin with the letter y?

The yardstick is a tool. It begins with the letter y.